Cute white blonde girl that doesn't have nudes of her getting plowed leaked all over the internet. Supergirl was one of my favorite comic character given the crazy diverse iterations of her character over the 80's and 90's and it ended up going full on woke girl power when that was literally the opposite of who she was or the conflicts portrayed. Rebel girl teenager in the 80's, robot replica dealing with her existence, sidelining Lex Luthor and realizing he's a douchebag, and they basically shit on all of that with a shitty lesbian sister story where she's not even the main character.
Stargirl is a girl picking up her father's power and continuing his legacy. I hope against hope they do this one justice. Pun sorta intended.
Biggest problem CW has is its actors getting too big for their pants. Stephen Amell figured he'd ratchet off a career but he's a terrible actor. Flash is a Glee has-been with better secondary characters. Legends the same thing when Dr. Who's Rory felt he was too good for the show when he was the best thing about it, but had no where else to go. I barely want to even mention the gutter they pulled Black Lightning out of.
I'm a huge DC fanboi. I'll watch this. Even if I end up disappointed. I can always go back and rewatch the later seasons of Smallville. Even if Chloe was involved in a sex cult.
Stargirl is a girl picking up her father's power and continuing his legacy. I hope against hope they do this one justice. Pun sorta intended.
Biggest problem CW has is its actors getting too big for their pants. Stephen Amell figured he'd ratchet off a career but he's a terrible actor. Flash is a Glee has-been with better secondary characters. Legends the same thing when Dr. Who's Rory felt he was too good for the show when he was the best thing about it, but had no where else to go. I barely want to even mention the gutter they pulled Black Lightning out of.
I'm a huge DC fanboi. I'll watch this. Even if I end up disappointed. I can always go back and rewatch the later seasons of Smallville. Even if Chloe was involved in a sex cult.