That's simple, if that's how you feel about it skip playing it. Is it pointless? I guess that's subjective, to me watching some faggot chase around a pig skin on Saturday and Sunday is pointless. At least games are interactive. I haven't played WoW in a while and staying subbed for entire expansions is probably not worth it for most, but when new content is released it is pretty fun. Is it a perfect MMO god no but it's the best one on the market. I like to game and have played many switching on and off and while dumbed down MMOs aren't everything I want in a game it's passable. Plus this game just like any other are meant to be fun hobbies and I can say that it's the people who make it enjoyable/unenjoyable more than the content. If you have a friend or two who want to check it out do it with them or if you think it's going to be gayer than 8 dudes blowing 9 dudes then save the $60 and live through us talking about it.