So she’s 14 months now, and for the past few weeks or over a month really she’s been on this ‘throwing food’ tear and it’s driving me insane. Kitchen looks like a slaughterhouse and what’s worse is she is eating less and less. Was always super picky but it’s getting harder and harder to get her to swallow anything. My wife and I are constantly wondering where her poop is coming from, or her ridiculously high energy levels, as she barely eats anything now. I guess that milk does pack a lot of calories.
Anyone have a picky eater and find a trick that works on them? Or atleast, get them to stop throwing food?? She’s understanding some stuff but still too young I think so I’m not able to get her to stop. I’m half tempted to just skip a meal next time she throws anything and hoping she will eat properly if she gets hungry enough, but then I always end up getting anxious and give her fruit or some other snacks which she tends to gobble