Deadly Premonition DC alone is well worth the $5.19 now that they've patched the game to support gamepads and fixed some other bugs. You still need
DPfixfrom the same guy who fixed Dark Souls on the PC too though. It was easily one of the best games I played last year (on PS3). If you're old enough to have watched (and loved) Twin Peaks, then my recommendation goes up 1000%.
I picked up the bundle mostly because I was planning on getting ToME on Steam anyway, and figured I might as well have DP DC on there too in case I feel like replaying it someday. Just based on the half hour I played of it, it's in far better shape now than it was when they first released the PC version, and definitely better than the PS3 version as well. Plus it includes the DLC that I wasn't about to pay for on the PS3, and apparently some new story content too.