I agree, it looks like the next step after Terraria (which I put a ton of time in). I picked up Mars: war logs last night, looks pretty good with reviews and only cost about $3.I was really hoping Starbound would go on sale.
If you like 4X games at all it's a must buy at the current cost.Any thoughts on Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heros? Looks interesting to me, but I'd rather hear some good feedback before I buy.
Er... Civ 5 is not at all a 'Sim City' type of game. It is a 4x.Civ 5 worth it for $7.49? I've been tempted to pick up another type of "sim city" type of game just because it seems like it'd be mindless fun. Lot of the reviews on steam say it's a pretty kickass game, so I'm quite tempted.
Have you played prior ac? And did you enjoy them? From all the hype I thought ac4 really reinvented itself, but its just more of the same. So you can skip it or wait for a sale further down the road unless you're really itching to play some ac, and I play it just fine w/ mouse/keyboard.AC 4... decent on PC? or console for UI and controls?
40% on taxation, looks legit to me.Ubisoft can go suck a dick