No way you going to use KBM in a dynasty warriors game, I just use an old logitech works fine.Good kbm or do I need 360 controller?
Continue living your life and stop buying games, holy shit man...Profile Name
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I blame Steam sales, Humblebundle, Bundlestars, online poker, Everquest and WoW for both amount of games and so little time spent on them
Any real reason to go PC route instead of PS3? DW is one of the very few games I feel is "comfy couch" required.No way you going to use KBM in a dynasty warriors game, I just use an old logitech works fine.
Graphics are better and you don't get slow down when you hit 50+ peasants and have 100 more waiting to be hit in the back ground.Any real reason to go PC route instead of PS3? DW is one of the very few games I feel is "comfy couch" required.
Good enough. I haven't played DW since I moved out with my room mate five or so years ago. We'd play the shit out of DW endlessly. Think we played the DW3 demo disk on his PS2 for like 50 hours since we were both too poor to buy the game as high school kids.Graphics are better and you don't get slow down when you hit 50+ peasants and have 100 more waiting to be hit in the back ground.
steam libraries are now things you can pass on to your kids in your will, like "who so ever takes care of me in my dotage will inherit my massive steam library, collected over many summer and winter sales."Continue living your life and stop buying games, holy shit man...
Nope, had it forever. Probably since steam first came outYou just start your Steam account 2 weeks ago, Noodle?
This does not really fit with the huge spikes during stream sales thing that is being discussed 8)Problem with comparing it to PSN and XBox directly is in my experience most people leave Steam running 24/7 even when they're not around, same doesn't go for consoles.
I've put in more time than any sane person should with Dynasty Warriors on PS4 (close to Plat'ing it but a couple of the last ones are just ridic) and the slowdown isn't ever that bad. I can only think of one or two large fights where things came to a crawl. Couldn't imagine playing it on a KBM, and also if the port is as bad as Vorph says and based on the PS3 version instead of PS4. It really was a fun game and I need to knock out those last grindy trophies and move on.Good enough. I haven't played DW since I moved out with my room mate five or so years ago. We'd play the shit out of DW endlessly. Think we played the DW3 demo disk on his PS2 for like 50 hours since we were both too poor to buy the game as high school kids.
I'd imagine the biggest culprit is Humble Bundles. Can end up getting $100+ of "estimated value" for like $3-4.Mine isnt' as bad as i thought.. how some of you dudes have 6k+ is crazy haha
I don't own a PS4 and probably never will.I've put in more time than any sane person should with Dynasty Warriors on PS4 (close to Plat'ing it but a couple of the last ones are just ridic) and the slowdown isn't ever that bad. I can only think of one or two large fights where things came to a crawl. Couldn't imagine playing it on a KBM, and also if the port is as bad as Vorph says and based on the PS3 version instead of PS4. It really was a fun game and I need to knock out those last grindy trophies and move on.
You know how people complain about Dark Souls showing gamepad prompts even when you play with KB/M? Yeah, DW8XL does exactly the opposite.Couldn't imagine playing it on a KBM, and also if the port is as bad as Vorph says and based on the PS3 version instead of PS4.