DO NOT BUY THE TELLTALE GAME OF THRONES ITS A TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE SERIES. The last episode is utter shit with all kinds of technical issues. The story for the entire thing is utter crap too. I wish someone had told me not to play it, I finished the entire thing. I do still like and enjoy the TV show, you pretty much have to have watched the entire TV series to understand whats going on in the game too.
I love the rest of the telltale games though, TWD was fantastic and I loved Wolf Among us even more. I'm told Tales from the Borderlands is also quite good, while the Minecraft one is crap. Telltale regularly sells their entire catalog at deep discounts, I picked up the PS4 versions of all their games for $36 last april and their entire catalog has gone up on humble I think once.
Telltale's biggest problem is that their engine is utter shit now, it looks goofy and fucked up when compared to all their story competition like Until Dawn, Life is Strange, etc.