If I pay extra will they take Dawn of War 3 off the monthly bundle?
There's also a racing game bundle currently available, with a bunch of F1 games and stuff.Yogscast 'Jingle Jam' is the only current bundle. 100% of the money goes to Charity. It costs $35, but you usually end up with 10-15 games by the end of the month. Ones offered at the front are QUBE, Rust, Gary's Mod, and Dungeon of the Endless.
Buy Homefront from the Humble Store
I save those for when I am really bored and try them out. Last year they gave Tropico 4 and 5 at different times for free which managed to suck out 100 hours of my life. When free, you win some and lose some. Mostly lose but free is still free ( and +1 game for library stats ).That game sucked balls, it was a huge letdown.
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
Went to check out the bundles( no game bundles atm outside of monthly? ) saw that game above was free for the next 13 hours or so.
In Vegas Pro 13, GPU rendering ceased working unless you had an old graphics card. CUDA assisted rendering would work if you had an NVIDIA card and OpenCL would work if you had an AMD card. Sony stopped upgrading and maintaining the software, which meant it would not work with newer cards on the market. MAGIX did not bother to fix the problem.
This is extremely important, because rendering is how you get your video out of Vegas and into a format for whatever you need to use. Rendering a large video is a time consuming process, one where your machine is taxed and large amounts of resources are being used. The fact that they could not bother, for whatever reason, at this price to update the software to take advantage of GPU rendering is practically a rip off.
Except that's talking about 13, not 14, which is what the Humble Bundle has?