There might be a place where you can get key's for whatever game and give those outGod Damnit
I didn’t know where to put this...but it happened on Steam so I guess it’s going here. I’m sitting in the ER with my wife right now, going on hour 4 and I get a notification in my email. Check it and I see this.
LoL, thanks BigErronius . The laugh came at a much needed time.
I put DA:Origins into the steam cart yesterday, but decided to pirate it because € 20 for a 10 year old game seems a bit unreasonable. Today it's €5 and I just bought it.
Can't get steam to work this afternoon, just loops on verifying info over and over
I found what I will now refer to as theAraysar software bundle!
The store link errors out...maybe because of age restriction? You can search for the title if you're logged in, though. But I'm laughing at the 98% discount. notsureifdealisserious.GIF
27 titles, and one is "Bloody Boobs"!
View attachment 187509
Review from one of the games. Thanks, comrade!
View attachment 187510
Site Error
Has anyone played this?