Uninstalled Dungeonborne within 5 minutes. Didn't realize it was fully online/pvp, was thinking I could just adventure on my own. And maybe picking the pyromancer made it harder, but the cooldowns were so shitty that I was trying to melee with my staff most of the time. And then someone nukes me with their pyro from long distance, when I didn't even realize there were other players. No thanks. Give me PVE Carebear/solo servers and maybe I'll try it on super sale.
Kindof my experience too. haha. I've largely lost my taste for pvp. always the carebear, but I also did like the thrill of danger. But now, almost all pve. Much prefer co-op. I think almost none of the survival base builders do a good job with pvp, so play them all solo... even the pve co-op is usually kindof trash, unless its local with friends. very few good hot joinco-op..
I didnt play dark and darker knowing that I wouldn't really like the pvpve much. but gave this one a shot to check it out. and also like spell casters, so pyro first... what a horrible experience that was.
arguing balance after the first 5 matches, and then just watching splattercat play some streams is probalby not exactly perfect... but still man..
I think its mostly pyro just sucking. then the level scaling might be an issue as well. that ones harder to tell with only a few matches. poor tutorial didn't help. it took me like 3 matches to figure out I could hold left click for the flame thrower.
flame thrower range is super short. and HORRIBLE dps. ticks for like 20? I watched splattercat playing rogue, and just obliterating npcs and players in .5-1s with the rogues high speed dps. staff attacks are very slow. and probably more dps then flame thrower, but not on par with 2h fighter, etc. fireball is a 1-2s channel for iirc 70 damage, pyroblast like 5-6s for 200ish.. so slow for such medieocre damage. anyone can just run up to you and just beat on your face. aoe knockback. low damage, huge cd, slow is completely ineffective.
super visible class. channeling highly visible fireballs, or charging staff... I noticed sometimes I would "absorb" nearby torches, but not certain what that was. a stealth mechanic, or faster charging, or bonus damage?
as the pyro i was struggling to kill the npcs. rats, moose, goblin,golem, skel, etc. nevermind players.
I see complaints on death knight being op. cryo mage being solid. and Rogue op.
clunky controls. why copy this from dark and darker? lol. some of it I get. locking a player into unlocking doors, chests, etc making them vulnerable on purpose. some vermintide combat and movement would be nice...
steam discussion is also full of people asking for pve only. lol. so odd. that said, I think it shows there is a DEMAND for a pve co-op dungeon crawl thats slower and more loot, trap, etc oriented, then say vermintide and other horde co-op.