This is the current state:
There's only 3 ways into my section of space and I've managed to get outposts setup in the systems to the sides, but while the idea of locking them down early feels right, I don't know enough about the game mechanics to understand exactly how this approach will playout compared to focusing closer to home.
My AI neighbour - which I'll assuredly be at war with soon due to conflicting ideologies - and I assume all other AI's grow system by system
Yeah you wanted to pacify and integrate those species somehow, unless you're a racial purist build. But even then it might be worth the faction approval hit to have a race of roaches to colonize other planets with.Playing a different game and I found this pretty nice system with two primitive societies on tomb worlds with tomb world habitability bonuses on the species. So, being the xenophobic wunder-men species that I was, I of course land armies and take over the worlds. Problem is that I haven't quite learned how to handle rebellion yet. I managed to get one planet happy but the other revolted and took over the planet... but it also somehow conquered the other planet too and just automatically flipped it to them.
I started the purge too late, but I thought that keeping them as slaves due to being the only species I had available for tomb worlds was the way to go.
Yeah you wanted to pacify and integrate those species somehow, unless you're a racial purist build. But even then it might be worth the faction approval hit to have a race of roaches to colonize other planets with.
In the proposals tab you can see all the current options for each category. Look at it as a "Policy" tab but for the whole galaxy except everyone has to vote on the current option for the fuck do I nominate proposals myself? (or try to get rid of em?)