Storage Wars


Millie's Staff Member
no shit the show is rigged. hint, the same 4 groups of people win 100% of the auctions at every location every week, and and no matter where its held they have the same auctioneer. they also over-inflate the appraisal value of their items by at least 100%. i will still watch this show because i think its funny. and i hate that cocksucker hester. dude copyrighted yuup and sues anyone who uses it. even people who used it before he copyrighted it.


Something's fake on Storage Wars???



Throbbing Member
Storage wars is fun to watch for the people, I could care less what they find.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The prices they say they will sell the items for is always laughable. "This particle board coffee table is worth at least $300!!!".

Really you should only be watching it for entertainment value.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Storage wars is fun to watch for the people, I could care less what they find.
Really? I've always thought the opposite. All the people on the show besides Barry stick to the exact same schtick every single episode and really aren't very interesting. Dipshit talks about how everyone else is amateurs and how much skill he has in placing a winning bid (lol). The couple argues about how much to spend. The tank top twins talk about how they're going to pounce today and end up not buying shit. That pretty much sums up every episode except for some one liners and Barry.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I saw they were bidding on lockers in Compton and the name of the episode was "Straight Into Compton: Biddaz with Attitude" I nearly died laughing


Trakanon Raider
no shit the show is rigged. hint, the same 4 groups of people win 100% of the auctions at every location every week, and and no matter where its held they have the same auctioneer.
Them only showing the stars winning makes sense, who would care about the lockers that someone else wins that we would never get to see the inside of? On some of the episodes they mention that there are some number of lockers up for auction and we only see a fraction of them. And the auctioneer is always the same cause they use him for the show, his auction company is real, I imagine they just contract him as carnival barker and tell the storage companies, "if you want to be on our show, he is your auctioneer." (in fact, if you look on their website, you can see the auctions they do and how many lockers are actually for sale).

Now, their pricing, thats a real gripe. I deal with some of the stuff they come across in their lockers and barring actual antiques, their prices are so all over the place, its ridiculous. They price DVDs, Video games, CDs etc at a couple bucks, then they throw out like $500 for an old ass couch. You could probably find half the furniture they price in the hundreds in the "come pick it up and its yours" section of craigslist.

All that said, I do enjoy watching it from time to time. I always assumed it was some kind of seeded for the high dollar items, but I have to believe some of the random shit is actually in there.


Molten Core Raider
Storage Wars is faked?

Fuck. Next you people will tell me the Hulkster wasn't an All-American 6'7" 320lbs Hero who ate his vitamins and said his prayers and lived Happily Ever After.

an accordion_sl

"It's time for Brandon to ship up or shape out" cracked me the fuck up because of how serious it was said. Stopped watching the show though, the fakeness of it all loses a lot of the entertainment value.


Millie's Staff Member
well she is the only girl on that show, her tittays are better than the fat redneck's in the wifebeater. she has a serious butterface thing going. now there are two fine ass chicks in storage wars: texas. i like the brunette, she seems like someone who is into freaky deaky shit and would probably fuck on the first date. the blonde looks like you need to buy her a fucking mercedes just to get her to say hi to you.

matter where its held they have the same auctioneer.
Them only showing the stars winning makes sense, who would care about the lockers that someone else wins that we would never get to see the inside of? On some of the episodes they mention that there are some number of lockers up for auction and we only see a fraction of them. And the auctioneer is always the same cause they use him for the show, his auction company is real, I imagine they just contract him as carnival barker and tell the storage companies, "if you want to be on our show, he is your auctioneer." (in fact, if you look on their website, you can see the auctions they do and how many lockers are actually for sale).
i can count. when the auction starts, the auctioneer dude will usually say how many lockers they have available to bid on. and those lockers are divided into amongst the 4 pairs of characters. (yes, barry usually has a random gay sidekick with him.). as for the auctioneer, yes i also realize hes there due to the show. thats the whole point. its a show. its not a real auction, hence the statement that the entire thing is rigged.


Throbbing Member
I wonder how much of this is bullshit coming from Hester though. It's not like the dude is reputable at all. The fact that he waited til he was fired to start spouting off shit is classic as well.


I had always assumed it was staged because almost every locker is full of junk with a single valuable historical item hidden in the back. And this happens multiple times per episode.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I watch it for the old guy. Who I guess, is a self made millionaire from the produce store his brother and him started. His different vehicles, and silly stunt like a midget on stilts, or the quad-rotor helicopter camera, those make me laugh. I don't go out of my way to watch it though, Darrell is a retard and sometimes it's painful just to listen to him talk.

Edit: How about the Texas version? I saw an episode where the skinny girl who hangs out with Eugene Levy looking guy makes a T.V. into a fish tank, and they poison the fish immediately.


Millie's Staff Member
The texas storage wars is decent, of course its just as rigged as the regular storage wars, but the auctions arent as tarded. The tx st lockers average around 200-500 and the items arent always worth big bucks. And of course it has those two cute chicks and the other characters are all likable.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, the two fat texans are a cool pair. They seem to actually know the worth of the stuff they buy, compared to the random numbers tossed out by the other show.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Texas isn't immune from bullshit sale numbers either. One of the women who won a locker was tossing out laughable prices for shit you could find for cheaper in The Pit at Bob's Discount Furniture.