DVD Storage:What are ways you guys store your large DVD collections?

DVD Storage:What are ways you guys store your large DVD collections?
When my wife and I first met, we had probably 250-300 DVD's. After a few years that was closer to 400. We eventually realized we didn't watch most of it and sold a good deal of them. Probably kept 100, mostly stuff we thought we'd watch (National Lampoon's movies, Elf, Back to the Future, all her Disney movies). That lasted a few years when we realized that we didn't watch those either. In the end, we sold them all for $2-3 each. It was fun getting a few grand, but we also realized we lost a shit ton of money overall. Much better to just get Netflix for streaming, Redbox for anything new, and download stuff I can't find anywhere else (which is pretty rare nowadays).I actually spent a few hours beginning to rip them onto my NAS for streaming, but simply gave up. Takes far too long and I can just torrent what I want in minutes. I actually trashed hundreds of DVDs. Not worth all of the space / hassle.
I purchase only a few BluRay titles a year for exceptional films (LoTR, Game of Thrones, etc).
Damn, I can't imagine what masterpieces you parted with if that's the shit youkept.Probably kept 100, mostly stuff we thought we'd watch (National Lampoon's movies, Elf, Back to the Future, all her Disney movies).
Yes, it's your wireless most likely. I moved back in May. At my old place, it was a wired connection from my computer to the router, wireless to the Boxee. Now it's wireless both ways and buffering issues have been cropping up. Audio stream content might be a factor too.For those of you streaming 1080, what are you streaming to (HTPC?)? I have issues even with some 720 stuff, and I'm wondering if it's because I'm using wireless?
Whereas you plan to enjoy Elf hundreds of more times in your life? Whatever man, I still have my Stanley Kubrick box set from when they first released all that shit on DVD and every thing except 2001 was in fuckingmono...ugh.I had plenty of good movies, but what are the odds I'm going to sit down and watch A Clockwork Orange? Not fucking likely.
All my jars of cold winter air are recorded by temperature (Celsius) on a spreadsheet and put into numbered boxes in my crawlspace. When I want my cool down my home to a specific temp, I just pull out the box its in.All my DVDs are alphabetically recorded on a spreadsheet and put into numbered boxes in my crawlspace. When I want to watch movie, I just pull out the box its in.