The thing that was a little bit weird and took me out of it is that there are scenes, if you go back and rewatch it, where they forget wether she had a bloody nose or not.
From one angle she'll have a bloody nose. Cut to someone else, cut back to her... and there's no blood on her nose. Cut away and back again, and the blood is back.
It's a very small thing, but i noticed it in at least 3 episodes. I mean jeez, she bleeds so fucking much.
But that's really a very minor complaint. The black kid's character came away as not a stereotype this season. Shit, his character came as far as Jocky Bighair McDouchebag's.
The idea that everyone would have been cool with him and max kissing at a dance in a small town in illinois was a little bit hard to take seriously. That was a bit of a retcon. It's not that anyone would have gone all Nazi on them, it's that shit like that -was not done-. But for the sake of the story i'm pleased with it. It's not Hunky McAngryFists the brother that woulda beat the hell out of him... his own parents woulda told him to stop doing that shit. I had a black girlfriend in gradeschool. As much as you can have a "girlfriend" in gradeschool. And I remember when one time she said to me, "Daddy is wrong. I can TOO date a white boy."
I didn't understand wtf she was babbling about at the time. Keisha was just funny. It took 20 years for that one to sink in.
I thought the romantic angle was good. Better if they were a little bit older, but they know that too. There were a few moments where they pulled away at the last moment and you can SEE them thinking in the script, "Dude. These are kids, not 17 year olds". You can see exactly how the truncated the scene. And that's great.