I am as big of a SJW basher as there is, but coming out as gay in the 80s to close friends was not that big a deal, especially for lesbians. Towns are generally small enough that everyone fucking knows who is gay or isn't, anyhow. Pretty every female gym teacher in the midwest was a half in the closet lesbian. And interracial couples might have gotten some jeers, but again small town blacks in the Midwest generally had it normal back then. One black guy who moves in and lives normally is exotic. Its not until more of his pals show up and start fucking things up that the racism really comes out. Or at least that was my experience in rural Wisconsin back in the 80s as a teenager. I mean, there were insults but people didn't get all pussy hurt about it because they saw it on the Jeffersons and elsewhere. Not really that big of a deal, at least where I grew up. You would get more shit for being a single mom or a nerd, honestly.
But yeah, we all know it was tossed in there because Netflix cannot help themselves. Guess we will see how this goes. This is the one season I actually liked, because it was familiar to me (small town kids would regularly go to the mall in the "big" towns where I grew up) and the pop culture reference drops were not as blatant as other 80s period pieces I have seen recently. More importantly, it ended extremely well which seems to be an issue for a lot of these types of shows lately. I agree with Mario that this is probably going to be the last watchable season, but I think that will have more to do with the cast becoming too old and popular sinking the chemistry, rather than Netflix wokeness.