I felt that aside from a few parts in the final episode it was pretty enjoyable. 7/10 overall from me, was worth the time across a weekend to complete the short series.
1. Why was Hop the one delivering Eggos and not Mike. Also, random chicken wings...wtf?
2. Why did Nancy end up with Steve? This could have gone either way, but I would have rather seen her with Jon.
3. Why when Hop and Joyce went into the rift were they able to explore without any problems? When they sent cabled up guy in during a earlier episode, he didn't get very far at all.
4. Why did the monster go for Jon and Nancy at the Byers house when he had easy prey inside the rift with him?
Hop's lost daughter is probably a large motivator for him. not sure if he just guessing shes around, or perhaps government debrief gave him the idea she was.
nancy is horrible. Monster was distracted by the fresh blood Jon and Nancy intentionally tried to lure it away with. that was the plan. Hop+Joyce go in, after kid. Jon and Nancy distract it. monster is drawn to fresh blood. I don't remember how THEY knew that.
The only thing I knew them from before this was a couple of Wayward Pines season 1 episodes. This far far outpaced that.A lot of it felt like a John Hughes movie. Great show, I hope they hire these guys for more stuff. Never heard of the Duffer Brothers before but I'm going to keep an eye out for their stuff from now on!
I think a lot of you are around my age, which is the age the kids were in the show. Did you catch what was missing in every single grocery store/bar/quickie-mart they went into?
"WHY ARE YOU KEEPING THIS CURIOUSITY DOOR CLOSED!?!?"The biggest unbelievable thing was:
Besides One Punch Hopper owning everyone hand to hand, even in the presence of guns,
The dorky ass science teacher and a hot asian chick. That's nerd fantasy, right there.