Stupid Word 2010 Question


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I've got a really long Word document with a table of contents. I used headers and each one is correctly pulled into the table of contents with the correct page number. It looks great. However, if I try to click on the section name in the table of contents to go to that section, nothing happens. The link between the table of contents and the section header doesn't work.

I'm sure it's something obvious but I did some Googling and couldn't find anything that worked. Any ideas?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Not at all. I don't want to manually add hyperlinks to each header in the table of contents. There are close to a hundred of them. The table of contents works fine; that is, it automatically populates with all of the headers in my document body. In all of my other documents I use the same table of contents and when I auto-populate the TOC, the headers listed in it are clickable links that bring me to the specified page. For some reason, this document has all the correct headers and page numbers, but it won't let me click to go from the table of contents to the specific pages.

I didn't originally create this document, and the person who did slightly modified some of the header styles (Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.). Since these are used to populate a table of contents I assume this is where the problem might be.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I figured it out. Like I suspected, it was a stupid thing I overlooked. For whatever reason, whoever created the document used headers but set up the table of contents based on chapters instead. I had to go into the table of contents and add the "\h" field code to make it auto-link to the sections.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I figured it out. Like I suspected, it was a stupid thing I overlooked. For whatever reason, whoever created the document used headers but set up the table of contents based on chapters instead. I had to go into the table of contents and add the "\h" field code to make it auto-link to the sections.
Too many cooks in the kitchen.