You compare the badassery of HxH which has guys being literally ripped apart to FT which can only kill off a character if it has a double from the future present?I mean, it has it's cheesy moments, but so does every anime out there.
Hell, you fawn over HxH and the main character of that show does Rock, Scissor, Paper for his only special moves? That's kind of cheesy too, imo.(I like HxH too, so it is what it is.)
Meh, I guess we're just used to different things - I mean there are a ton of animes/mangas out there where the writer/creator seemingly has a major inability to kill off even the most minor of characters but I just usually shrug it off, as annoying as it can be. I do like Fairy Tail, however I can agree with you a bit about the whole lack of emotional attachment thing, but that's primarily due to again the style of the writer/creator. In mangas/animes like that with a fuckload of characters, as i'm sure you know, the writer tends to take the route of not developing most of them, either by choice or just lack of creativity to make each character unique and relatable.You compare the badassery of HxH which has guys being literally ripped apart to FT which can only kill off a character if it has a double from the future present?
I am not fond of any so called battle anime that has weak or random powerups with no excuse given. I mean god even Ichigo did some kind of training, but the shit they pull out of their ass in FT is just lame, and it garners no emotional attachment or feeling when they unless their secret attacks.
I watched the first 2 episodes of this last night. Please tell me that I'm not the only person that realizes Shoyo Hinata is Naruto & Kageyama Tobio is Sasuke.Keep saying it over and over but Haiykuu!! is such a damn good show.
Its anime, they can sometimes make mainstream Hollywood look like a bastion of creativity.I watched the first 2 episodes of this last night. Please tell me that I'm not the only person that realizes Shoyo Hinata is Naruto & Kageyama Tobio is Sasuke.
Doubt anyone minds he got a sword. I mean christ they gave him a lightsaber. Like 100% a lightsaber. Yoda will be making an appearance next episode.In the light novel, for gun Gale, YES kirito does the light saber bit...
but he is DAMN good at Sword, works.
one of the better scenes imo will behim in the duel vs the girl.... her with her 50cal...him with...his sword.
Yeah, its pretty good. The cheap shots the girls give each other is funny. The narrator really helps the show.Sabagebu! - Survival Game Club! is the best show of the season. Or at least the most entertaining/stupid/funny (in a good way). I had absolutely no idea what it was going to be about but gave it a shot, shit's hilarious especially with the (American) pop culture references.
Yeah it does, and its actually kinda a reverse from your assumption.Will HxH ever explain why Gons father just doesn't give any kind of crap about his son? Really odd relationship.
Hah not quite.Let me guess.
"The reason you are so strong is because I let you struggle your own way through life"