What a save man - AoT was "horrible" beyond words and imagination.
As the season ends
Overlord was awesome
Gate was awesome
World Trigger still great
Working!!! still awesome
Shokugeki was so awesome i read all available manga thus spoiling the suspense!!!
Baby Steps still awesome
Arslan still awesome(hello Kingdon and Akatsuki wru!??!)
God Eater...still unsure what to think of this,...reminds me of Chrome Shield Regios with the flashbacks
Akagami was pretty awesome for that type of show - i enjoyed it
Gangsta is good and still following it -
Tora is good, still following it
Rokka - Dam that suspense and
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Shimoneta - Going to miss this, shit was a fuckin trip
Next season looks interesting and cant wait to see how One Punch Man turns out.