Summoner's War - Sky Arena


Mobile Game Hunter
Updated first post, added Line app nickname column to IGN list. Still waiting on Grimm to accept his invite!

On a game related note - I've been leveling a fully skilled wind drunken master, runed with energy/fatal and I have to say he's pretty good single target DPS. His 3rd skill is hitting for about 4k at 4*. I think i'll keep him around to hang swap out during various events.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I might get around to it eventually. I installed it for another game with a very active chat and I've bothered to use it for that one time in like 2 weeks. For like 20 seconds.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah line is definitely about a billion times more useful than the ingame chat (which is as bad as I've ever seen)


<Gold Donor>
Used the original name of Vvoid
Will update the spreadsheet as well.

EDIT: Ah, I found the spot where I could search for a friend that wasn't one of my phone contacts, and added you aevry.

Also, manually doing B6 to make sure I win, I got two high essences in a row, my first two of the day. So I guess law of averages and all that.... Only 7 more to go, then 14 magic highs! After those, I may never awaken anything that requires highs ever again. At least farming for runes you can sell them if they aren't what you want.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Don't take a baseball bat to me in a dark alley, but I've been auto'ing B5 Fire for Mids, and I've gotten 2x High twice, and 3 more singles. On about 110 energy.



Golden Knight of the Realm
This is what I hear when you guys complain about farming high essences. "Hey guys, just won the lotto but man, I'm having so much trouble finding the right yacht to buy. This SUCKS!"


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This is what I hear when you guys complain about farming high essences. "Hey guys, just won the lotto but man, I'm having so much trouble finding the right yacht to buy. This SUCKS!"
Meh, every natural 4* needs them and about 1 in 15-20 of those equates to "winning the lottery". Of my 4 or so natural 4*'s the only one that was really worth focusing on Awakening was the Fire Vamp, the rest need High Essences as well but fuck them.

But yeah, he was lottery fo sho=P


Lord Nagafen Raider
So I got the 225 gem thing for the mystic scrolls and ended up getting 3 drunker masters, wind, fire and water. Out of those which would be the best to focus on or should I not even bother?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
This is what I hear when you guys complain about farming high essences. "Hey guys, just won the lotto but man, I'm having so much trouble finding the right yacht to buy. This SUCKS!"
lol. I think it's more like..

"Hey guys, just won the lotto, but they are locking me in a room and making me fill out forms for 2 weeks straight before they will give me any of the cash!".


Mobile Game Hunter
Vycarious - wind and water are good. Water is more healing oriented and wind more damaging. I have a wind that i'm leveling and he's a decent DPS addition for water dungeons especially if RNG hates you.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
When you can farm B6 high essence aren't that hard to farm. But right now, I've rolled a W sucubus and my team is mostly fire / light so I can't run B6 water and it's taking forever.


<Gold Donor>
I haven't seen any difference between B6 and the lower ones. I've exclusively done B6 since I was asked which level I was farming yesterday, and I have zero drops since the two in a row I posted about. If I didn't understand the nature of "random" I might be tempted to begin wondering about conspiracy theories wherein they turn the rate down during these events, because I've sure had a piss poor result compared to the normal weekday runs.

Annnnnnd, just got one to drop while I was typing, of course. So that's 3!


I was and am incredulous, but I figure I'll ask: is there any merit to the claim that you have more luck when summoning at certain times? Losing interest rapidly in this because I haven't gotten a good summon in weeks, and it seems like every day that some friend is setting his rep monster to a shiny new natural 5*. And when I test them out, they vastly outperform my 6* awakened Wind Ninja. Somebody has a level 35 FIRE Dragon that AOE'S for up to 7k against WATER monsters, whereas my WIND NINJA hits one WATER target for that amount sometimes. (Hydeni 5, hell). It could be a rune issue, but god damn this is a 5* vs a 6* monster here. These natural 5*'s appear utterly insane, and people don't seem to have issues getting them.

Edit: For example, there's a thread on Reddit that claims times x:11, x:31, x:51 yields higher chances of better monsters. I see a ton of 5*'s at these times, but that doesn't necessarily mean it works - it likely means that a lot of people are figuring "hey, why the hell not? I'll try it" and the sheer number of attempted summons at that time dramatically increases the likelihood that there'll be a success.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I was and am incredulous, but I figure I'll ask: is there any merit to the claim that you have more luck when summoning at certain times?
No. RNG is RNG. People see patterns where none exist, it's human nature.

I've tried a bunch of the supposed methods just on a whim, never gotten shit worth a shit doing them. But that's just anecdotal. More compelling is the apparently super strict regulations on this stuff in Japan. If a game is found to have any kind of rigging to a supposed random pay system(people buy lots of stones) the government will crack down super hard. It has to be actually random I guess.

Or as random as a RNG can get, before any of you anal people get your nerd glasses on and go on about how there's no TRUE random RNG.

There's no magic time or trick to get better summons. It's random. People who get something when they do it got randomly lucky and crow about it. The hundreds/thousands that got nothing say nothing or get ignored. But who gives a shit, if it makes you feel lucky to stick a twizzler in your urethra and spin around when you roll go for it. I hear that works.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Let me know if that ^^ works, so I can give it a shot...

Another way to get 'em is from the Fusion building. I just spent the last week leveling up the 4 needed for a Fire Joker. Worth it? Dunno, but fuck I'm getting desperate.