This, I now believe, was a move by the CIA / NSA to take control of the forums and guide discussion into line with NWO globalist propaganda.
I believe it will be up toAraysar when the time comes. It's only right that he be the one to pull that particular lever
I count 20 plus bruises. Did yall drag the kid by the neck through all 19 flights?
For what it's worth there was a video posted earlier of the kids playing somewhere. I just scrolled through the video quickly and saw one of the boys not think twice before taking a flying leap off the side of something he probably shouldn't have into a cushioned donut shaped contraption. He didn't quite make the landing and racked his legs/ankles pretty good and just kept going. So my guess is a good number of bruises are pretty common on that dare devil kid.
So over this thread.
Do you show all your new boyfriends Tyen's dick pics?
Haven't you said that like five times now?