This babysitting app is making me want to have children!Those babysitter sites are where all the backpage whores are moving on to.
Tyen's just ahead of the curve.
I know of two that might soon be available.This babysitting app is making me want to have children!
How big is your closet?
Yeah the bonus of those two hell spawn is you'll probably never get a repeat sitter, way to keep the variety up!I know of two that might soon be available.
Yeah the bonus of those two hell spawn is you'll probably never get a repeat sitter, way to keep the variety up!
Of course it's comparable. In the scenario you gave, you don't really know these people either. It's all a crapshoot. At least with a site/app like that you can verify that they have successfully watched kids before. And if it turns out to be a front for whores, well that's all to the good.
LOL yes, its called "knowing people in real life". You are gonna seriously sit there and say anonymous online reviews are even comparable? That is some hysterical generation gap shit.
You dont need to "hire a fake review company" for anonymous online reviews to be bullshit.
Exhibit A: Tyen has 101 votes in his favor. And they arent even fully anonymous like most bullshit online reviews. Guess Tyen is an A+ babysitter!
Guy addresses his wife as "dude" and with a single word reveals more about his character than all the thousands composing all the useless, desperately attention-seeking posts he's made over all the years.
Downloading.Those babysitter sites are where all the backpage whores are moving on to.
Tyen's just ahead of the curve.
whores generally dont have facebook pages.
If i cant backtrace a chick, i dont pick them. Facebook and instagram tells you their entire life story in 10min. I could rattle of shit about a sitter that could take a week of hanging out to even get to know.
I can pinpoint exact moments in their life that were memorable.
That's some next level stalker shit right there, no wonder trex left you.whores generally dont have facebook pages.
If i cant backtrace a chick, i dont pick them. Facebook and instagram tells you their entire life story in 10min. I could rattle of shit about a sitter that could take a week of hanging out to even get to know.
I can pinpoint exact moments in their life that were memorable.
That's some next level stalker shit right there, no wonder trex left you.
Here’s How Easy It Is To Buy Fake Facebook Profiles
I posted this in politics but it applies here too.
You can get a decade old facebook accounts with friends, likes, stories interests with posts that all seem real for a few bucks complete with a verified phone number.
Instagram too.
Sure 99% sitters wouldn't go through this trouble and just be a good sitter, but someone with bad intentions would.
Always proceed with some caution.
Just like the idea that online reviews are trustworthy, your post makes no sense. Yes, since I have had children, I have known other people with children. This is what normally happens when you have children -- you meet other parents. Some of those children are old enough to babysit.You were 25-35 hanging out with people who had teenagers that you trusted enough to leave your kids with? Were all your friends parents at 15 or did/do you just like hanging out with people twice your age?
its no more crazy than leaving your kids in a room full of other kids and somehow the one asian granny is supposed to be able to keep track of them all. at what point is it less crazy to leave your kids with anyone you dont really know? if you believe tyen and his wife is the worst mom ever, he is better off getting some nordic amazon to watch his kids even though she has no emotional attachment to them. maybe its even better that way. eventually you gotta let your kids go to school anyway, so app based babysitting doesnt seem like a bad option at all.Just like the idea that online reviews are trustworthy, your post makes no sense. Yes, since I have had children, I have known other people with children. This is what normally happens when you have children -- you meet other parents. Some of those children are old enough to babysit.
Yes, meeting and getting to know people in real life is several orders of magnitudes more informative than stalking social fucking media to "get to know them".
I find the opposition viewpoint here to be crazy in a particularly naive and stupid way. I am shaking my head at the idea that anyone believes social media or online reviews. Honestly, this is on the same level as finding out someone believes in Astrology. A "back away slowly while nodding and smiling" kind of reaction.
You people are crazy. But theyre your kids! Go nuts.
Just like the idea that online reviews are trustworthy, your post makes no sense. Yes, since I have had children, I have known other people with children. This is what normally happens when you have children -- you meet other parents. Some of those children are old enough to babysit.
Yes, meeting and getting to know people in real life is several orders of magnitudes more informative than stalking social fucking media to "get to know them".
I find the opposition viewpoint here to be crazy in a particularly naive and stupid way. I am shaking my head at the idea that anyone believes social media or online reviews. Honestly, this is on the same level as finding out someone believes in Astrology. A "back away slowly while nodding and smiling" kind of reaction.
You people are crazy. But theyre your kids! Go nuts.
i'm saying that these kids need their mom, but since mom is an alkie donkeybeast, leaving them with a sitter isnt a bad option and an app based sitter is no worse than your neighbor's kid. what qualification does your neighbor's kid have that the app based sitter doesnt? you know their parents? do you really know your neighbors that well? my first GF was the daughter of a neighbor and she told me all kinds of fucked up shit about her parents and she was fucked up because of it. my parents thought they were great people because i never told them what my GF said about them. if i had i likely wouldnt have been allowed to date her. if 10 or more reviews say this sitter is awesome, thats a better endorsement than giving little Samantha next next door a shot.Chuk, I will give you this. If the options are Tyen or Trex watching the kids, a random stranger from online is likely to be a better option.
Dont see your point at all about school. School teachers go through lots of actual, in person, real life vetting. Not just "how many thumbs up do they have online"; actual scrutiny in real life. Young students are also rarely alone with a single teacher unsupervised, and the backup resources available for a school teacher vs a random stranger in your apartment are incomparable.
I genuinely am willing to let people do nearly whatever crazy shit they want with their kids as long as its not directly harmful. I reserve the right to label stupid and crazy parenting strategies as stupid and crazy anyway. This is me pointing and laughing in disbelief, not trying to convince anyone to do things my way.