Expertise was normalized a bit, soft cap is something like 1100-1200 which is retarded easy to get these days. Don't know when you quit but they redid the entire PvP progression around 1.2. My memory is fuzzy on when exactly but you get a quest from the PvP terminal at 50 which gives you either a full set of Recruit (blue quality) gear. Stats are shit but it has expertise which is the important part. Supposedly. I'm fully min/maxed on my Assassin and I'll rape a Recruit gear anyone in 4-5 globals with Recklessness up (4k Death Field, 3-4k Surging Charge, 4k Shock, (all crits) 4-5k Maul (with a crit), maybe an assassinate to kill them off if the Maul doesn't crit). We pretty much have a good idea on how the matches will go based upon how many people in the group have 13-15k health. When they added this in they made Battlemaster gear straight up purchaseable with Warzone comms, and allowed you to convert 30 of those into 10 Ranked Warzone comms, which you could then use to buy War Hero gear. The gap between Recruit -> BM was Huge and then from BM -> WH was a smaller but still significant jump. Anyone in WH gear was just flat out doing more damage and taking less unless also going up against similar geared people.
That said, the just released 1.6 made a fairly significant change. BM gear was removed and now WH gear is purchasable via regular Warzone comms. This has the effect of making the gear gap smaller overall, though anyone that Min/Maxes is going to have a fairly significant advantage still. The upgrade from WH is now Elite War Hero, and the progression is fairly flat. Total stat upgrades from base WH to base EWH is tiny in comparison to what BM to WH was. Maybe a 2% increase in power.
Current FOTM is Rage/Focus spec for Warriors/Knights. Someone at BW had a hard-on for "fixing" their single target DPS but since that spec revolves around constant use of Smash/Force Sweep, which is AE, it basically caused the effect of making them really fucking powerful, so much so that if you're doing Ranked and you don't have 2 on your team, you're doing it wrong. The other FOTM is Bubble Spec for Sage/Sorc. Up the middle tree there's an ability which tacks on a 3s AE stun to the damage absorb bubble when it pops. This wouldn't be a big deal but it applies to all their bubbles, and the resolve gain on it is broken so it only does a tiny bit. This is another "must have" for ranked. Most of my guild has vowed not to do ranked until they do some more class balancing, which I believe is in line for the 1.7 patch which should be around in February.
The resolve system for PvP is hit and miss. They "fixed" it a couple of content patches ago to be more strategic in its use, though the truth of this is that good players already were using it strategically, and all this "fix" did (which looked at the power of a CC and assigned resolve to the player, and if someone else also threw a CC in while the other one was active it would take into account that a current CC is active before figuring out how much resolve was added), all this fix did was make being a bad player less punishable if they just started throwing CCs around. Being immune still doesn't last long enough and there's the aforementioned Bubble stun problem as well. Oh, and roots/slows are off the resolve table so it can be annoying, especially in huttball.
Oh, and the new WZ they just added is pretty damn fun. Basically objective-based deathmatching with a little bit of CTF thrown in. Hope they get us some new WZs every few months. As much as I have a love/hate relationship with huttball, I'm looking forward to a new map for that.