The true F2P aspect is shit but if ya spend $5 the restrictions become less restrictive overall. It still works hard to funnel you to subscribe though.
I think the game is progressing nicely in terms of content and appeal. They're still on an uphill climb but its not nearly as steep as it was a year ago.
I will say this though, they really need to get a team of people together whose sole purpose is to hammer out every bug they can over the next year. 2.0 and RotHC was released half a year ago with Achievements and there's still a few that can't be done, such as Beastmaster which requires getting every lore entry for beasts in the galaxy. The gate? Ilum, whose beast lore entries DON'T EXIST. There's still a few release day bugs still around too. It's one of the major detractors to the game overall.