
Tranny Chaser
Topic #4: Same Gender Romance: Any news on this front would be great? Answer: First of all, I want to apologize that this is taking so long to get in the game. I realize that we promised SGR to you guys and that many of you believed that this would be with a companion character. Unfortunately, this will take a lot more work than we realized at the time and it (like some other pieces of content we talked about earlier in the year) has been delayed as we focused on the changes required to take the game Free-to-Play. As we have said in the past, allowing same gender romance is something we are very supportive of.

Yes. It's so easy something they said was coming Months and months ago, is still on the drawing board......
Its like those old ads of the woman in the kitchen 'slaving away' to make Rice Krispy Treats. You tell people its really hard to do and then you can justify doing crap all while they wait patiently. Their list of new features is pathetic so they can toss in stuff that they are 'working hard to implement' that really isn't and thus pretend like they have a crack team of incredibly efficient MMO professionals working on this aborted mess of a title.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Its like those old ads of the woman in the kitchen 'slaving away' to make Rice Krispy Treats. You tell people its really hard to do and then you can justify doing crap all while they wait patiently. Their list of new features is pathetic so they can toss in stuff that they are 'working hard to implement' that really isn't and thus pretend like they have a crack team of incredibly efficient MMO professionals working on this aborted mess of a title.
If you are playing an MMO, and the only reason you are staying is for same gender romance, it's time to reevaluate.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm trying to figure out the use of 'Elder Game' to describe endgame content. Elder Game?? Its like 'streets ahead' or something, that shit is just weird.

And yeah, they got bigger fish to fry than same sex romance. I patched and logged in a month ago or so and they were down to like 5 servers; that's a brutal decline and pretty much tells you everything you need to know right there. Growing playerbase my ass.


Lord Nagafen Raider
At launch they advertised these huge open world planets that would have these huge populations!

Then I got to tattooine and say that there were something like 20-30 people per planet before it instanced into a different map.

Welcome to Tattooine [37] !


Riddle me this...
The state of the game letter reads a lot like the Warhammer letters used to read. I have a funny feeling the game is going the same way.


<Gold Donor>
F2P has seen a significant population boost. At least leveling up through Taris, there have been 2, if not 3 copies of zones during prime time. Some of them supporting 175-200 players each. Yesterday Dromund Kaas on Prophecy of the Five had over 400 people on DK alone. A similar situation last week with Alderaan which is a 30+ zone. Fleet always has 200+ in fact right now at 1pm CST there are 248 people in fleet. I can't speak to 40+ content though I'm sure the group finder which came far too late isn't hurting that aspect of the game. Who knows how long it will last, but even during release I didn't see this many people running around. That's a small thing that bothered me with their "huge worlds".... they were always empty.


Silver Squire
At launch they advertised these huge open world planets that would have these huge populations!

Then I got to tattooine and say that there were something like 20-30 people per planet before it instanced into a different map.

Welcome to Tattooine [37] !
The stupid thing was in beta they had only a few servers and they were absolutely packed for the big tests. Then for whatever reason they decided to spread everyone out to the point of them being almost empty come release. Made no sense what so ever with the way the game world was designed. Far better off having 25 instances of zones running and fewer servers for the inevitable exodus than 100 servers with 4 or so instances at release and empty as a wasteland 1 month later.


Golden Squire
I'm trying to figure out the use of 'Elder Game' to describe endgame content. Elder Game?? Its like 'streets ahead' or something, that shit is just weird.

And yeah, they got bigger fish to fry than same sex romance. I patched and logged in a month ago or so and they were down to like 5 servers; that's a brutal decline and pretty much tells you everything you need to know right there. Growing playerbase my ass.
Yeah, their launch strategy for servers was AIDs. They artificially capped them initially to force a spread of the population, then opened more way before they needed to. They never actually "stressed" their servers, at least in my opinion, and took their time admitting they had a population problem. They've actually done some good things since then. They redid their architecture to support massive populations, did a voluntary transfer to a single server type per "coast" which eventually turned into a forced transfer (anyone who had a problem with this was retarded though, I can't fathom wanting to spend time in an MMO with no one else around). Most evenings all the servers except for, perhaps, the RP-PvP one sit at Very Heavy to Full. Routinely have 2 instances of the fleet (250 per instance), and several instances of the leveling planets. It's thin at the top still with perhaps one instance but I still see 50-100 at prime time in places like Hoth, Belsavis, Voss, and Corellia. Oh, and should mention that you can only see population for your faction, but the figures are similar on the other side as well.

So the population, overall, is healthy right now but it's obviously not where EA wanted to be. F2P has actually been good in this respect.

I think the SGR stuff is BS. Why it's even an issue worth speaking about is stupid to begin with. I say this as an ardent supporter of gay rights... in the real world. Shoehorning SGR into the narrative just to satisfy the manginas who want lesbian encounters is the worst kind of pandering I can think of. There might be a legitimate 1% of the playerbase that want this for real reasons but MMOs have survived this long without romantic encounters with NPCs, I don't know why we should start now.

Quick Edit: EAs response to Oceanic population problem is beyond retarded. They've quite literally done nothing.


Lord Nagafen Raider
...Far better off having 25 instances of zones running and fewer servers for the inevitable exodus than 100 servers with 4 or so instances at release and empty as a wasteland 1 month later.
Sorry I didn't understand that very well. They kept adding servers and adding servers. The queue time to login into Death Wind Corridor was several hours long. Only...when you logged in you were instanced onto the 38th zone of whatever planet and it felt so lonely. I remember beta with its packed servers and it was awesome. I also remember being in those instanced planets going what the fuck where is everyone.

SWTOR is beyond this kind of analysis though.


FPS noob
The stupid thing was in beta they had only a few servers and they were absolutely packed for the big tests. Then for whatever reason they decided to spread everyone out to the point of them being almost empty come release. Made no sense what so ever with the way the game world was designed. Far better off having 25 instances of zones running and fewer servers for the inevitable exodus than 100 servers with 4 or so instances at release and empty as a wasteland 1 month later.
They thought the rate of people buying swtor would keep spiking up, not realizing 80% of the people who want to play the game bought pre-order and there really weren't that many who wanted in after that. If you have a million pre-orders, you can assume by the end of week 1 you will have ~1.5 million subs or you can assume you will have 5 million subs. They chose to believe the latter, and were ... quite wrong.

It was a pretty funny launch night (early access night), with everyone raging at how far behind they were able to get in. I remember being a pretty early pre-order (CE) and still not getting in for about 6 hours after servers went live, they just made so many bad assumptions about how many people were actually going to play.


Avatar of War Slayer
Yes. It's so easy something they said was coming Months and months ago, is still on the drawing board......
Just now figuring out how completely and utterly incompetent the entire crew seems to be?

I'm dying here. that state of the game is hilarious.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Have they added any actual planets or planet-like areas with quests and story since Ilum? Or have they only added instances in far away locations 02A-9XE31 and 2L-844-H0K


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Have they added any actual planets or planet-like areas with quests and story since Ilum? Or have they only added instances in far away locations 02A-9XE31 and 2L-844-H0K
No new planets since launch. One new planet Makeb is "coming soon" which was supposed to be a free content patch. Now they are raising the level cap and slapped an expansion tag on it. Next to no other information, but that. They want you to pre order by like Jan 10th for 10 bucks, after that date it's 20. EA says it will launch in the spring (Makeb planet was due out late summer/fall) which at the time of the announcement up to 6 months off.

It's an absolute train wreck which comes as no surprise. Love reading the swtor forums, fanbois are strong over there, happy to shell out cash on something they know little about, on EA's word. Just boggles the mind.


Golden Squire
Pre-order by the 7th for early access (5 days). Subscribers will only pay $10 for it regardless of when they purchase. Non-subs get charged $20.

My only complaint is that they're not allowing you to purchase it with Cartel coins. Hell even SOE, who probably has the most draconian F2P system in implementation (at least until now), allows you to buy the x-pacs with sony cash. So enterprising subscribers never even have to lay down a dime for new content if they save up their monthly allotment.

I'll reserve further complaints about the hutt expansion until I see it in action.


<Gold Donor>
As far as population goes there's currently 3 copies of Imperial Fleet running on Prophecy of the Five, if moontalyle's numbers are correct, that's 500+ people just in fleet.


Trakanon Raider
Quick Edit: EAs response to Oceanic population problem is beyond retarded. They've quite literally done nothing.
Yeah we are waiting to be merged. I'm playing on Master Dal'Nara (the Oceanic PvP server) and I'll be quite happy when they merge the 3 Oceanic servers into a PvE server. Losing open world PvP will be lame but the population is really too low at the moment to be a very enjoyable experience. There's some new players levelling that I've found due to f2p but I think most of the Oceanic f2p players rolled the PvE or RP servers as they have far higher pop.