The old trees didn't offer more than one path within the tree, but it offered flexibility in choosing to take parts of multiple trees. That is basically gone with the new system although you can still get some of the passives.I would agree with you guys had the old skill trees offered you more than one real path.
I actually meant to say didn't offer, but I was making clouds at the time lol. It is obvious that the current tree's are lame ducks, other than making maybe 10 point shifts for pvp or pve, there isn't any flexibility. I will miss hybrid specs, even when they aren't more better spec +5 x infinity dps, they are fun for tinkering and dicking around with. One of the few things I liked about WoW until they changed it, was being able to spec in tree's, and play around. I agree with Malakriss, as well, they should have had this shit figured out at least mostly in advance. I expect that is the major reason for the change, I believe they are banking on their resurging subs/interest, the general success of their current f2p/sub system, and renewed interest from Episode VII hype.The old trees didn't offer more than one path within the tree, but it offered flexibility in choosing to take parts of multiple trees. That is basically gone with the new system although you can still get some of the passives.
This. If designers are forced to spend time figuring out ways to curtail specs they didn't account for, it's less focus on actual content. That's their spin on it and I happen to believe them. A big part of the last couple of years has been an effort to shore up and balance the various classes. I have to imagine at some point they took a step back and said, "This isn't working." The result is the new system. There's still some choice involved, with the passives, and I think you'll find a good amount of variety in what people take there. All the damage abilities, things you didn't ignore in the first place, are going to be there and to hear them talk about it, it sounds like you'll get those defining abilities sooner than you previously did. That's actually cool.As much as I like the ability for people to be creative with spec's, I think when people discover some overly useful hybrids its generally something t BW didn't account for so they have to retool the spec again. This new system will force people to play each spec the way it is designed to be played which in turn should allow BW to focus on balance better, instead of constantly having to adjust for some new FOTM hybrid spec.
Like if you only do the class story? the class story rewards all of the companions, but you only really need treek, my treek uses a legacy set that all of my toons share.Question, how many companions am I missing out on by being a story tourist.
After playing with new tree's a I like them better, you can pick up skills normally that would be in other tree's, a bunch of guys from a pvp guild our server just moved to the Ebon hawk Moon, apparently ranked actually pops on your server, they are pretty good <PostMordem>This. If designers are forced to spend time figuring out ways to curtail specs they didn't account for, it's less focus on actual content. That's their spin on it and I happen to believe them. A big part of the last couple of years has been an effort to shore up and balance the various classes. I have to imagine at some point they took a step back and said, "This isn't working." The result is the new system. There's still some choice involved, with the passives, and I think you'll find a good amount of variety in what people take there. All the damage abilities, things you didn't ignore in the first place, are going to be there and to hear them talk about it, it sounds like you'll get those defining abilities sooner than you previously did. That's actually cool.