
Playing this again for the first time since release, and also playing Lightside for the first time. iam actualy enjoying derping around on my Vanguard trooper tho trying to stay lightside really is hard sometimes with some of the choices


Golden Squire
Dark Side Trooper, however, is kind of awesome since you know nothing is going to happen to your character and the story will progress but you get to be a dick to everyone anyway.


Yeah I've rerolled on Ebon Hawk as well. My 50 sorc and op are on Jung Ma (after the server consolidations) and queue times are annoyingly long so figured I'd just reroll to give republic side a go. Playing a shadow, level 14 or something atm.


I finished the light knight story a couple days ago. Nothin spoilery but there were lots of broken enemies that kind of ruined it for me. The spinny staff ones that you either close on to find you are "out of range" or try to get away knowing you can't hit them and they can seemingly hit you zonewide with a pbae attack.

I jumped off a ledge and was running around below and it was still hitting me through the floor.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Friends and I sick of all MMO's out, and want something to play in off times. Going to be picking this back up again. Played it hardcore when it first released, and have a 50 Commando and 34 Sentinel. I'll probably pick my Sentinel back up and get them to level 50.

Without paying a sub, would friends and I still be able to get together, and run some dungeons, get some gear, etc? or is that all restricted? We both had accounts and paid subs prior to the FTP switch if that makes a difference.


<Gold Donor>
I think the dungeon runs are limited. IMO you are just better off to sub in this game. They nickle and dime you too much. Can only PVP so much, can only run so many dungeons a week. ETC.

IMO the only free thing you have in this game is the storyline.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think the dungeon runs are limited. IMO you are just better off to sub in this game. They nickle and dime you too much. Can only PVP so much, can only run so many dungeons a week. ETC.

IMO the only free thing you have in this game is the storyline.
Good to know. I just canceled my WoW sub for now, so I can pick this up for a little while and see what happens. I'd really like to get through some of the story lines on some other characters, and just flesh out the game more so than I did back when I played.

Random question... does it have a /played function? Steam has made me addicted to know how much time I've put into a game.


I've done two characters to 50 without paying a sub. It's a bit slower, but very doable. I'm about to sub just because I want to play through the Hutt content and also because I'm enjoying the game far more than WOW or other F2P games, and playing more. I'm on Ebon Hawk.

SWTOR has a /played command to list your time played.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I did a trooper to 50 and thought Act 1 was really good. Acts 2 and 3 though left a lot to be desired in my opinion!

Edit - Worst part about non-sub for me was being limited to 5 slots on the trade market. I ended up just vendoring the majority of the shit I made because i was running out of bank space.


Silver Squire
I actually started this up again because there is fuck all out or coming out that is any good.

Playing a shadow and a Han solo class.

Best story from my days playing was far and away imperial agent. Anyone that hasn't done it needs to.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I actually started this up again because there is fuck all out or coming out that is any good.

Playing a shadow and a Han solo class.

Best story from my days playing was far and away imperial agent. Anyone that hasn't done it needs to.
It's what I'm going to start back playing because even back in 2011/2012 when I played. (I think 2011 Christmas was when it released?) it was considered the best story of them all. Plus, never played the dark side.


Tranny Chaser
Well, the production value of the game is amazing.
Is that PR for voiced characters until they ran out of money? Or are you referring to the single expansion pack where you can make your character gay forever, non voiced? I'd love for you to elaborate.


Yeah, I've been weighing the same thing. The Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion is 10 bucks. A one months sub is 15 and you get the expansion free and the extra stuff.

I've been playing other things, but I'll probably break down and pay for a month just to check it out, plus to get my two 50s to 55.
Thanks for the breakdown, Broseph. I jumped back in but no sub yet. This game doesn't look half bad once you up some of the settings in the .ini


Golden Squire
I never could fault the game for its visuals. I wish they'd get off their ass and get a team on making day/night cycles and actual weather for the planets but on the whole they hit the mark pretty damn close on every planet I visited. Alderaan is especially beautiful but each planet does a good job is portraying the overall conflict in its unique way. It's easy to dismiss these things when the game itself is little more than a theme park kiddie ride and the fact that static scenes are just that (Republic Tatooine will forever have a speeder accident near the Anchorhead taxi terminal). But the game is nice to look at.


Golden Squire
Was waiting on an update to what was in store for 2014.

Star Wars: The Old Republic | News Articles

TLDR: 2.6 tomorrow with full release of GSF. 2.7 in April with two new FPs focused on Imperial/Republic attacks on Tython/Korriban and NM mode DF. 2.8 in June with NM mode DP and more GSF goodies. Plus 2 more digital expansions this year.

Say what you want about the faults of the game, but they sure as hell aren't content to just keep pumping out goodies for the Cartel market for people to waste money on.


Potato del Grande
I recently started playing again too. Still unsure if I should level my Repub Assassin or Sith Assassin. I leveled a Jedi Knight to 50 at launch and could never get into playing Sith/Empire before after always rooting for light side in the movies, games, etc. My fear though is like WoW, that Republic side gets owned in all the battlegrounds.

Overall though, I wish they would have expanded to make the worlds feel more real as moontayle said. The game always felt so sterile to me as well. It didn't have that "real world" feel like EQ, WoW, and FFXIV did.


Have to say, a new starfighter class tomorrow and again in June is interesting.

I'm just coming up on 5k fleet points on my "main" so may end up having to buy a bomber.