
Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
I have a "content-producing" job where I can telecommute quite frequently. I want to take this freedom and get even more out of it by traveling (in and out of the US) but still being able to work remotely. Sure, I could take a laptop, but I like to travel light and was thinking about tablets. Is the tablet technology of today at the point where I could remote-desktop into a powerful laptop or PC and run powerful software packages (I do a lot of statistical analysis and electromagnetic simulations)? I figure the real computer is doing all the legwork, and you're really just sending pixel information across the internet to the tablet. But what the fuck do I know?
I've attempted to do this a couple of times and I can only describe the experience as somewhat frustrating. Yes, it can be done, but it's often an exercise in aggravation as you're counting on a stable network connection for this. When you're travelling, you don't always have a stable connection, especially if it's Wi-fi based, and remote desktops are all about latency. Every time you move the mouse, every time you type something and don't see a response for 10 seconds, you'll curse the fact that you don't have a real computer with you. Not to mention, sometimes, we're really unaware of exactly how many pixels are moving around when we do simple tasks (like minimize a window, or redraw a table, or... whatever) -- we expect these things to happen instantly, and they really don't.

Do yourself a favour and buy an ultralight or a netbook or something of the sort. It's more expensive, and it's not as light, but it's functional. Tablets (that aren't a Surface Pro) are, at best, a last resort for serious work.


Molten Core Raider
Rumor of a $99 Nexus 7 tablet gaining some foothold, I've seen this reported several places now over the last couple weeks

If it's the current 16GB Nexus 7 for $99, that would be huge, they'll dominate the 7" tablet market and it wont even be close. I'd have to imagine that it's going to be some scaled-back hardware though and not the current iteration of the Nexus 7, unless they're crazy enough to sell it at a huge loss in the hopes of driving everyone else out of the 7" market.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's already the clear cut best choice in the 7" market, by a pretty fair margin I believe. That would be like Apple making the iPad4 $200 when the 5 hits. It's just dropping the hammer on the competition.


<Bronze Donator>
Rumor of a $99 Nexus 7 tablet gaining some foothold, I've seen this reported several places now over the last couple weeks

If it's the current 16GB Nexus 7 for $99, that would be huge, they'll dominate the 7" tablet market and it wont even be close. I'd have to imagine that it's going to be some scaled-back hardware though and not the current iteration of the Nexus 7, unless they're crazy enough to sell it at a huge loss in the hopes of driving everyone else out of the 7" market.
Better not be the same hardware, just got mine less than a month ago!

I think I saw a estimate of hardware costs per unit, I think it was ~$175 for the 8GB. Kinda nuts if they sell at that much of a loss. And to what end? Apple's brand name and loyalty skews economics so much that it isn't just a simple "sell at X loss to push out competitors". I'm betting there are a non-significant amount of ipad users that wouldn't even take a free Nexus 7.

Unrelated: please don't use the N7 abbreviation. It brings back bad memories of Mass Effect 3



Rumor of a $99 Nexus 7 tablet gaining some foothold, I've seen this reported several places now over the last couple weeks

If it's the current 16GB Nexus 7 for $99, that would be huge, they'll dominate the 7" tablet market and it wont even be close. I'd have to imagine that it's going to be some scaled-back hardware though and not the current iteration of the Nexus 7, unless they're crazy enough to sell it at a huge loss in the hopes of driving everyone else out of the 7" market.
Rumors of a $99 Google tab aren't new. I doubt it'll be the Nexus 7 since that's already running on the ragged edge of cost cutting as it is.


Trump's Staff
I have a "content-producing" job where I can telecommute quite frequently. I want to take this freedom and get even more out of it by traveling (in and out of the US) but still being able to work remotely. Sure, I could take a laptop, but I like to travel light and was thinking about tablets. Is the tablet technology of today at the point where I could remote-desktop into a powerful laptop or PC and run powerful software packages (I do a lot of statistical analysis and electromagnetic simulations)? I figure the real computer is doing all the legwork, and you're really just sending pixel information across the internet to the tablet. But what the fuck do I know?


Potato del Grande
Just got a Nexus 7, is it just me or does the battery seem like it's draining crazy fast?

Been looking around the net and seems like maybe it's an issue with the latest update?


Let it drain out all the way, fully charge it, and then do it once more. After that you should have 7-8 hours of active use on each full charge.


<Bronze Donator>
Define crazy fast? My wife's had a problem with battery drain. Turned off letting google apps get your location, battery level stabilized. Maps won't be able to pinpoint your location though.


Potato del Grande
Eh Im just used to my Ipad's charge lasting a few days with off and on usage. I fully charged it last night and now its down to 73% with very light usage in about 3 hours.


Molten Core Raider
I probably charge my Nexus 7 every 3 or 4 days. I don't use it a lot, just browing the web when I'm on the couch watching TV or something. So I probably get maybe 4-5 hours of use and the rest of the time is spent idle in those 3-4 days between charges. It does slowly drain even when the screen is off, as it's constantly updating apps and getting gmail/facebook notifications. Seems like everyday when I turn it on theres like 10+ notifications in my status bar from updates and messages that came down during idle time.


Potato del Grande
I've turned wifi off in sleep mode now and disabled all the location crap. We'll see if it helps.

Is there an app to control my computer playing music via airplay to my receiver? Maybe Plex does that? (eh it's not pretty but there is an android app for my receiver that works)


Rumor of a $99 Nexus 7 tablet gaining some foothold, I've seen this reported several places now over the last couple weeks

If it's the current 16GB Nexus 7 for $99, that would be huge, they'll dominate the 7" tablet market and it wont even be close. I'd have to imagine that it's going to be some scaled-back hardware though and not the current iteration of the Nexus 7, unless they're crazy enough to sell it at a huge loss in the hopes of driving everyone else out of the 7" market.
I would be so pissed if they dropped the price that much. I just bought mine a couple months ago!


Does anyone know what the return/exchange period on the Google Store is? My Nexus 10 has crashed a couple times already, and it seems from other posts that this isn't an uncommon problem. However, I'm outside the US for the holidays and can't return it until mid January - so about a month after I received it.

edit: just to be clear, I'm looking for an exchange - I love the thing.


Molten Core Raider
Shows that Apple users care more about other people knowing that they own an Apple than what they actually need it for


Silver Knight of the Realm
Broke down and ordered a Asus Vivo win8 tablet the other day, Asus is currently running a promotion for mail in free docking station, and you can find it discounted about $80 less than the surface.