No, it isn't. You saying it is doesn't make it so.without having even basic familiarization of biology or any science, statistics ect, it's by definition an ignorant argument, and that's being generous.
You're not making a scientific claim. You're making a feels-based claim and trying to use the word "science" as a shield. The fact that you're using the word "science" (not even any scientific principles or anything, just the word "science") to try to discredit someone you (presumably) disagree with is what makes your stance is not an ideology lol, there's you trying to turn an argument against itself again, science is a set of tools that dispels ignorance, which is why anita's arguments are ignorant (and stupid).
not "requiring" biological knowledge of hormones while talking exclusively about differences in men and women is just ignorance trying to pass itself of as morality.
No, it isn't. You saying it is doesn't make it so.
Again (again, again, again), can you find something Sarkeesian said that science has shown to be demonstrably false? If not, your claims are worthless.
OK, you're finally getting close to addressing things she's actually said. I will assume you're referring to these three tweets:She claimed toxic masculinity is why boys will commit crimes at a higher rate than girls don't even though everyone who was even mildly trained in biology understands the biological differences between young men and women and the role testosterone plays in the differences between men and women. There's just a void there that won't acknowledge that even if you trained all humans exactly the same men would still act on their hormones differently than women. there's just a giant void there where hormones don't exist to her. The only time i saw testosterone mentioned with her name is when she uses it as a slander word. a game isn't "infused with testosterone" like anita said dismissively, that's literally misappropriation of a scientific word and turning it into something else.
Show me one instance where anita even references testosterone realistically and not used as a smear word. You won't because she doesn't care about science she cares about her agenda that she was trained in school for. She was trained as an scientifically illiterate revolutionary JUST LIKE I SAID and that's exactly how she acts.
“We need to seriously address connections between violence, sexism and toxic ideas of manhood before boys and men commit more mass shootings.”
“Not a coincidence it’s always men and boys committing mass shootings. The pattern is connected to ideas of toxic masculinity in our culture.”
“Mass shootings are one tragic consequence of a culture that perpetuates toxic ideas of masculinity. This is how patriarchy can harm men too.”
Also worth noting, YOU put her up on that pedestal.
They didn't choose to do that until a large group of entitled man-children decided to launch an all-out attack campaign against someone for having the audacity to talk about boobies in video games.LOL no I didn't, they chose to do this
Oh, we've reached this part of the discussion?I made the SJW cabals that infected google? Or are you just retarded projecting like usual?
Oh, you mean the other case where everyone thinks they have it all figured out when they don't know shit? One Dark Queen at a time, please.Nobody forced gillibrand to host fake rape mattress girl either, she chose to do that.
They didn't choose to do that
They didn't choose to do that until a large group of entitled man-children decided to launch an all-out attack campaign against someone for having the audacity to talk about boobies in video games.
They didn't choose to do that until a large group of entitled man-children decided to launch an all-out attack campaign against someone for having the audacity to talk about boobies in video games.
Pop-culture critic criticizes video games from a feminist perspective: Not much of a story.
Pop-culture critic viciously harassed and targeted for smear campaigns by the shittiest segment of gamers: Now there's a story!
So yes, your over-the-top hyperbole absolutely played a role in making Sarkeesian a martyr and a hero in the eyes of the media, where they would otherwise have not given her more than a passing mention. It's an exact role-reversal of what happened with Trump, where the media tried to smear him and a large segment of the public saw through their bullshit and dramatically increased their support for him. The more you rely on bad-faith arguments to villainize your enemy, the more support they will get from people who are disgusted by your actions.
Oh, we've reached this part of the discussion?
Oh, you mean the other case where everyone thinks they have it all figured out when they don't know shit? One Dark Queen at a time, please.
I figured you meant "they" as in the media, right? The media elevated Sark and gave her greater visibility and influence as a direct result of the punishment they saw her go through. There is no goal post pushing here.wait you claimed that they didn't give them power now you do, whose moving goal posts here?
It was never a super-serious thing she was talking about. It's a feminist perspective on how women are portrayed in video games, for crissakes. The "serious thing" was the obscene and completely disproportional reaction that provoked from people who absolutely should have kept themselves in check.This is funny, this is where you have to pretend that it's a super serious things she's talking about while also ridiculing it as a nothing. You're being inconsistent and split minded in your white knighting, is what she talks about serious or open to mockery?
No.TL;DR summation of what tanoomba said
Of course what she says is open to mockery.
Sowait you claimed that they didn't give them power now you do, whose moving goal posts here?