Got a bit of catching up to do...
Re: The Battlefield trailer:
There are at least 2 remarkable hypocrisies at play here. And yes, there will be references to Sarkeesian.
1) How many times have people here shit on Sarkeesian for referencing examples of certain types of content in video games without considering the context in which that content appears? I'm not complaining, those were actually some of the rare examples of legitimate criticism she has received on this board. She absolutely SHOULD consider all relevant context of the scenes she discusses before painting a game in a negative light. And yet here we are, with no idea why this female character is portrayed as she is in the new Battlefield. We don't know if it's alternate history, we don't know if there's an in-game explanation that makes sense, we don't know about the tone of the game or how seriously it's meant to be taken, we basically know NONE of the context regarding the presence and appearance of this female character. Still, that has stopped exactly NO ONE from going on REEEE sprees that would make Sarkie blush. Funny how context only matters when someone you DON'T like ignores it.
2) (Then) "Who cares about whether a video game character is male or female, black or white? Who cares about inclusion or representation in video games? All that matters is whether the game itself is fun to play. I'll happily play as a female character if the game is solid (see: Metroid, Tomb Raider, many more). These SJWs whining about not enough X characters in games are complaining about a non-issue! Quality game design is FAR more important than appeasing social groups."
(Now) "We don't know shit about this new Battlefield, we certainly don't know whether the game itself will be fun to play, how well the mechanics will hold up, or whether it will offer an engaging and satisfying experience, but HOOOO WEEEE are we pissed about the inclusion of this silly female character!"
Let's face it, several people here don't care about whether the new Battlefield will be a good game or not. Frankly, they don't even care about "historical accuracy". All they care about is the idea that these characters were created to appease SJWs. They are discounting the importance of the final product itself and fighting a battle based entirely on their assumptions about the developer's intent (which is, again, incredibly hypocritical considering the flak Sarkeesian was given for SUPPOSEDLY inferring "intent" on the developers' part). I had a discussion with Mire a few weeks back about the upcoming Darksiders game. He's a big fan of the series and expressed disappointment that the protagonist of the next game is going to be a female. Not because he has a problem playing as females, but because he believes that decision was made to appease SJWs and that bothers him on a fundamental level ("We know them as the four HorseMEN! Why change that?"). I, on the other hand, reserve any and all condemnation of this decision for the FINAL PRODUCT. If the change makes sense within the in-game world (say, one of the Horsemen is killed and his daughter might fight for him or something), and the explanation is handled in a way that supports the game and doesn't compromise my enjoyment of it, then there is literally no harm done. If the explanation is lousy and the game itself reeks of forced "girl power" that was clearly intended to appeal to a specific audience, then I will absolutely criticize the game for that.
Make a shitty product, I will criticize you and call you out on your bad decisions and the detrimental effect they had on your game. Make a great game, and I don't give a shit what your motivation was for changing the gender of a character. There was a time when people here would have agreed with this sentiment, but it's not actually about video games any more. Now it's just about the Social Justice War, and many harsh critics of SJWs are, without even realizing it, engaging in the exact same hand-wringing busybodyism as those they criticize. WHY developers do what they do has somehow become far more important than WHAT they create, and that's a goddamned shame.
Next time: Did somebody say "Roseanne"?