Heh, I'm not sure. It's better than the alternative.... I think.Damn RR bros, when did we get old?
Man, this was my jam when I was like 8. First CD I ever bought!
^^^^^^I might be the minority but I kinda liked the first one. It wasn't great by any means but I enjoyed it.
I'll probably end up watching this whenever it comes out on Netflix/DVD. But I do like that they seem to have jumped straight to fuck it mode with surprisingly true to the cartoon Rocksteady and Bepop, Casey Jones, Shredder, full blown foot ninjas, fucking turtle van, maybe even Krang with all the weirdo alien shit at the beginning.
How do you think those of us who have no idea who Bebop and Rocksteady are (I'm assuming the rhinos), because we were too old when TMNT came out, feel??Damn RR bros, when did we get old?