Dude I don't like that medication. I forgot why. How about this uh. If this ain't the end of war. Then uh. I suggested you launch a missile. The atomic missiles. Oh ok. I did that earlier. Over that shit.
God damn misery. Look you going to heaven or some shit, but this I can't be any more honest with you. He turned it into a reality. Fuck off forever you motherfucker.
Every single day. Any reason you this upset over a shit. What's the problem. I think it was Keith. Oh. China is right. Told him all kinds of shit. Look who stepped in.
It was him I swear. Futile enemy. How about this Sindaael. I sensed something was coming for a while. It was this one. I assure you. Kelefane look uh, you just made me smile.
Chinese motherfucker gets fucked over more than anyone on earth. Tell me how that looks over there. Makes me wonder. Kelefane the shadow knight. Forever.
Immortality wins. Yes. Fuck off you fuckface. Visigoths won. Oh ok. I don't see the point of this life. So I said. Do yourself right next time. There is no next time. This is not a starting over lane.
I told you about the threshold. This is the long way up. Oh ok. He choked over that bible. And I think he will be happier without it. That's all it is. I figured it out. Kelefane look uh. You did this twice.