I mean, that's like the entire premise of the movie. Your complaints are kind of like watching Dracula and then complaining about how it sucks because vampires aren't real.
Any time travel at all is a causality violation. This one was interesting mostly for a different take on that and how it could work, rather than the usual handwaving around predestination or multiple timelines. Having changes propagate backwards through time with no respect to a privileged viewpoint is a bit of a mindfuck - cause and effect become irretrievably scrambled when from your point of view, what happened 5 minutes ago suddenly changes to reflect something that hasn't happened yet. It does make for some amazing action sequences though.
Go watch the explanation scene again. They don't really explain anything. He fires the gun and catches the bullet, no problem. But, when he tries to catch the bullet on the table, it doesn't work at first. She says "you have to already have dropped it." So, he thinks for a second, and tries again and it works. He mumbles something about it having to be instinctive. They don't tell us why it worked the second time. It's implied that the inverted bullet is reacting to, what? Human thought? Intent? And why did he have no issue catching the bullet with the gun?
She then says "don't think about it too much" which doesn't really help.
Correct, it's "don't try to understand it. Feel it." Which is worse than I remember.I think what she says is "Don't try to understand it." Basically the writers telling you, yeah, it doesn't make sense and we're too lazy to do anything about it, let's move on.
Correct, it's "don't try to understand it. Feel it." Which is worse than I remember.
We all know time travel is fiction, and requires a certain suspension of disbelief. But this movie goes beyond that and just ignores science to support the premise. Go watch the explanation scene again. They don't really explain anything. He fires the gun and catches the bullet, no problem. But, when he tries to catch the bullet on the table, it doesn't work at first. She says "you have to already have dropped it." So, he thinks for a second, and tries again and it works. He mumbles something about it having to be instinctive. They don't tell us why it worked the second time. It's implied that the inverted bullet is reacting to, what? Human thought? Intent? And why did he have no issue catching the bullet with the gun?
Yeah. there's some cool scenes, but it's all style, no substance. All I said was the movie would have been better if the science made more sense. The fact that it doesn't, and is based on hand-waving timey-wimey bullshit, is just a bit distracting and dissapointing.
The entire movie fucks with our understanding of causality and is one of the themes. It's not "just ignoring science" it's a required and integral part of the premise.
I also don't think you're understanding the inverted gun scene
Ok, then. Explain to me what the protagonist does that allows him to catch the bullet on the table.
The first time he's trying to force lift it like a jedi, the second time he's reverse dropping it.
Do you understand how retarded it is to be hung up on causality on a movie that's all about non-linear time? That's the entire point of the movie, jesus christ.
Reverse dropping it? Explain that. Is it just a specific hand movement? Or is he just thinking about it a certain way?
Keep telling yourself you're a scientific genius because you identified the "BUT TIME DOESN'T GO BACKWARDS!!!" flaw in a movie about time going backwards. Just wait until you realize they're all actors and are just pretending
Expecting big scientific breakthroughs from you.
Just answer the question, Claire.
I already did. I'm not playing the stupid game of "and then what?" over and over so you can feel smart about disproving time travel in a fucking movie.
You're not smart for realizing that any time travel movie has problems with causality, which is why it's one of the first things brought up and even touched on it again at the end. You're just another retard who thinks nobody should make a movie involving time travel unless they invent it first.
You could just admit that you can't answer the question, it's really not a big deal.
Well I'm glad some people like it enough to discuss it this much. There are way worse things than being polarizing.
I told you, he reverse dropped it. You even quoted it, so how you can you pretend I didn't answer it? You having a stroke or are you literally retarded?
You asking me to "explain how" is, again, you thinking you're too smart for something you actually don't understand. It's a meaningless question because reversing entropy isn't a real thing. It is a real thing in the movie, and is clearly shown and explained what's happening yet somehow you didn't grasp any of it.
There's a lot of confusing things in the movie, you're can't get past one of the things it actually spells out for you.