Pretty much what I expected.6.5/10 - shaved off half a point, this is no Inception or Interstellar
Will wait for some Reddit infographic to explain it.
Also, the sound mix was bad - hard to hear dialogue in some scenes
Bond villain esque bad guy with terrible motivation is a big negative
tom cruise liked tenet
Yeah I was just debating whether I want to watch this or not. What makes you think a telesync should be available so soon?web-cam has leaked from korea on IPT/etc, quality is pretty crap
i'd expect a more decent telesync to be out in a few days. Thats the version I am probably gonna watch, no real desire to trek out to theaters for this. Dune though...
Thanks for spoiling the fucking movie, fuck tard.web-cam has leaked from korea on IPT/etc, quality is pretty crap
i'd expect a more decent telesync to be out in a few days. Thats the version I am probably gonna watch, no real desire to trek out to theaters for this. Dune though...
So I bought a ticket while everything was good. Then they mayor freaked out again and shut everything down once more. No end in sight. So my ticket for Tuesday is most likely going to go unused. On top of that, my local theater chain's website is DOA, so who knows if I can even get a refund for it.
So I bought a ticket while everything was good. Then they mayor freaked out again and shut everything down once more. No end in sight. So my ticket for Tuesday is most likely going to go unused. On top of that, my local theater chain's website is DOA, so who knows if I can even get a refund for it.
i'd expect a more decent telesync to be out in a few days. Thats the version I am probably gonna watch, no real desire to trek out to theaters for this. Dune though...[/QUOTE]i'd expect a more decent telesync to be out in a few days. Thats the version I am probably gonna watch, no real desire to trek out to theaters for this. Dune though...