interesting honesty from the director
Terminator: Dark Fate's Tim Miller admits he "was wrong" about the movie
"It was one of those f**king Eureka moments in a bad way."
I went in with the rock hard nerd belief that if I made a good movie
These idiots that keep tanking these franchises are convinced that what they are making is not trash, they honestly believe they are making good movies and that we, the audience, are the problem. Terminator : Dark Fate was not a good movie, it was not a good action movie, and it was not a good Terminator movie. Was a lot better than Genisys, I'll give it that. Genisys is laughably bad, Dark Fate was just boring.a good movie
interesting honesty from the director
Terminator: Dark Fate's Tim Miller admits he "was wrong" about the movie
"It was one of those f**king Eureka moments in a bad way."
lets just be honest here. it failed because it was an Arnold movie and Arnold is an old as fuck, beaten man. the movie was also not about him as a central figure, he was more of a sidekick. you can have a great script, but you fuck those things up, the movie is going to disappoint.How it started it;
Tim Miller Says ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’ Will ‘Scare the F*ck’ Out of Misogynistic Internet Trolls
Mackenzie Davis, Linda Hamilton, and Natalia Reyes are front and center in Paramount's upcoming "Terminator"
What a retarded faggot.
neat deepfake replacing arnie from T1 with Rambo and a Roomba lol
How it started it;
Tim Miller Says ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’ Will ‘Scare the F*ck’ Out of Misogynistic Internet Trolls
Mackenzie Davis, Linda Hamilton, and Natalia Reyes are front and center in Paramount's upcoming "Terminator"
What a retarded faggot.
The script will be left in his will...So roughly a 2030 release date?
i mean it can't be worse than the last 2 or 3 movies, right
it would be cool to rewrite Terminator so its less about humanoid androids and more about what AIs really will be, giant computing datacenters and their goals would be fairly unfathomable to us but more like "I want to grow and capture all the energy from a star to maximize efficiency"
i really hope though this means maybe he is finally realizing spending the next 10 years on avatar is not something anyone wants
Isn’t that what Skynet was originally? AI that hijacked existing drones/nukes. The Androids/cyborgs came later.
Some of the books have altered timelines. I don’t think any of it is cannon though, other than the prequel book to Salvation.Yeah, I'd rather see a Terminator prequel trilogy (like Salvation, except the Cameron version) from him than 3 more Avatars. Wish he'd wrap Avatar up with 3 and then do something with Terminator.
Given how bad Dark Fate was, though, I don't have a ton of hype for a Cameron-run Terminator movie unless it's future war stuff.
Yeah, originally Skynet was just an AI that controlled the military stockpiles and whatever rudimentary automated drones existed in 1997. It didn't start building HKs until years later when it became clear that humans were still around and re-forming, and then Terminator models came along even later. Things like rubber-skinned T-600s were probably early 2020's and the plasma rifles were probably mid-2020's. The imitation human T-800s were "new" in 2029, the same year the war ended.
The future war flash-forwards in T2 are of 2029, the very end of the war where T-800s and HKs were in full use. That isn't representative of the entire future war. The flash-forwards in T1 are from earlier in time, maybe 2025 or something. No battlefield terminators, the plasma guns on the HKs are much slower, and the battlefields seem pretty quiet in comparison. And then earlier than that, the "war" probably just consisted of humans trying to shut down Skynet's factories by taking out whatever drones and gun emplacements they had defending them (thus necessitating the construction of more and better robots).
But yeah, the Terminator future war was like 20 years of hijacked existing technology, then 10 years of Skynet actually building its own robots once it realized it was legitimately threatened and needed to find a way to eradicate human settlements and so on.
lets just be honest here. it failed because it was an Arnold movie and Arnold is an old as fuck, beaten man. the movie was also not about him as a central figure, he was more of a sidekick. you can have a great script, but you fuck those things up, the movie is going to disappoint.
Merry ChristmasSaying it failed because Arnold is one of the most insane Chuk takes of all time.