
Djevel Innenfor

Golden Squire
Me and a buddy duo'd expert mode midcore and killed moon lord last night. So far this patch has been amazeballs. We still need to do martian madness but other than that we have cleared just about everything. A few things.

You need to be careful in everything. (especially as midcore lol)

Campfires as cheese? What do you mean? We had spaced campfires, heart lamps and honey puddles in our basic arena. For moonlord we had the honey in floating bubbles and heart statues wired up to 1 second timers. (dont forget the placeable buffs like the grindstone, crystal ball, ammo box etc)

Speaking of arenas you should have several. We had one for events, one in the jungle for bee/plantera, a corrupt/crimson, a beach one for fishron, one for the hardmode world bosses, and one for the moonlord.

Buffs are huge. You need farms. We had potted plants for all the basic herbs and astaff of regrowthfor harvesting as well as a glowing mushroom and underground jungle farm for the heart plants in hardmode.

In addition fishing is huge. Biome fishing is important. With a central pool in a cleared out underground area place a big block on one side of corrupt/crimson, and on the other hallowed. Want prismite? fish from the one side. Ebonkoi? from the other. Make a little cabin with a trapdoor so you dont get bothered by nasties. (feel free to cheat slightly and get the corrupt block your world doesnt have so you can get all the fish. You can place the corrupt and crimson block on the same side)

Gear: no matter your play preference all of your accessories will have warding. You will always have the worm scarf equipped. Not negotiable.

Late normal mode can be tough with wall. Some weapons that make it a lot easier arehellwing bow(wooden arrows pierce hellfire ones explode) or abee's kneeswith ahive packcan work. (I used hellwing myself) If you go magic piercing weapons would be best. My buddy used thespace gunbut abook of skullsmight work too. (the guy who was with us as melee used some dropped knives? I forget, he didn't stick around long

Be prepared once hardmode drops. The corrupted and crimson biomes spread fast and its gonna take some time before you have the juice to take on the bosses. We managed to get arapetrainwith holy arrows which made destroyer a joke. Twins and prime were still a bit tough but agolden showerhelps quite a bit even if you arent a caster. The debuff is great. Edit: i think I mentioned it earlier in the thread but you can farm corrupt and hallowed mimics by making keys out of souls and putting them in empty chests.

Plan ahead. Use teleporters when you get em. Have a well constructed base and I recommend a scram tunnel for when things get bad. We had a bad goblin invasion once where we were caught in a death loop and needed a scram tunnel to go back and get our gear and slowly whittle it away. (midcore problems) Use traps, they help.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ah, just that I never used the heart lamp/campfire stuff in previous patches, or the timed heart statue gigs. Never really felt the bosses were that insane where I would need them, and most of the time I never used the food buff. Expert is a huge departure for me on that aspect, as now I pop consumables constantly and try to keep the food buff up permanently as much as possible, and I've got campfires in each area where I fought bosses (not the eye though, I just had meteor gear/gun and didn't bother buffing at 160hp. He's just not that difficult) with heart lamps used for killing the wall.

Djevel Innenfor

Golden Squire
Ah I just realized it looked like I was just replying to you rezz. I was generalizing for some of the stuff on this page. I was lazy and didnt use quotes lol.

Also. Banners.


Avatar of War Slayer
Ah I just realized it looked like I was just replying to you rezz. I was generalizing for some of the stuff on this page. I was lazy and didnt use quotes lol.

Also. Banners.
yeah, was going to ask about the banners. I stopped to play PoE. but, had been collecting banners, and putting then ones I had at the base of my arena I was building. Any useful/needed for bosses, or are they all only the standard npcs, so don't help?

Djevel Innenfor

Golden Squire
There are no banners for bosses, but having banners for the biome the arena is in can be lifesaving. In the jungle arena having skeleton archer, turtle and hornet banners helps immensely. (if underground. Surface you'll want the derp one) Nothin like having plantera low and getting slapped by a turtle for half your life. Anywhere you set up for anything throw down banners. I find the most use for banners around the base and general arena for eclipse mobs, those hurt and can overwhelm.

In your fishing area you can drop banners and summon something. Your summon can wreck while you fish, then you periodically go collect loot. Decent moneymaker and a good way to get a nymph.


Mr. Poopybutthole
There are no banners for bosses, but having banners for the biome the arena is in can be lifesaving. In the jungle arena having skeleton archer, turtle and hornet banners helps immensely. (if underground. Surface you'll want the derp one) Nothin like having plantera low and getting slapped by a turtle for half your life. Anywhere you set up for anything throw down banners. I find the most use for banners around the base and general arena for eclipse mobs, those hurt and can overwhelm.

In your fishing area you can drop banners and summon something. Your summon can wreck while you fish, then you periodically go collect loot. Decent moneymaker and a good way to get a nymph.
Having the Fire Bat/Lava Slime/Demon/Imp banners while working/clearing for your hellbridge helps quite a bit as well, because they basically come nonstop (and demons come in groups of 2-3 at times, filling the screen with scythes) And completely useless anywhere else as they only spawn in hell hah.


Reading all of your posts intimidates me. I've dug down about 1000m and have some sweet lead gear. Feeling like maybe playing alone is boring. Or I'm missing something.


Trakanon Raider
Reading all of your posts intimidates me. I've dug down about 1000m and have some sweet lead gear. Feeling like maybe playing alone is boring. Or I'm missing something.
Keep in mind that almost everyone here has played the game to the end like 2-3 times already, you can blow through the normal mode very fast at that point.


Reading all of your posts intimidates me. I've dug down about 1000m and have some sweet lead gear. Feeling like maybe playing alone is boring. Or I'm missing something.
Honestly? Learn the basics, then switch immediately to expert mode. The game is just way too easy otherwise. It's much more interesting and you have to really think about what you want to do and prepare, especially with the bosses.


Lord Nagafen Raider
As a first time player who started solo on expert mode, I would recommend playing on a normal world then go back and beat the stuff on an expert world when you're already geared. Some of the expert stuff can be an ass beating even with the gear you're supposed to have at that point, especially when you have 0 clue what you're doing.


Avatar of War Slayer
found progress solo on expert to be super slow. over a week to get full plat armor. still didnt do eye or anything, as was having such a hard time finding platinum. And that was KNOWING what I was doing. a new player definitely should not play expert. Makes the early game way too slow.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea I've played a bunch of times but this was the first time my brother played, we started on expert and it's just way too slow. Ended up with 2 worlds and hopping back and forth between the two. We just got into hardmode now which is SUPER brutal on expert. Almost pointlessly so. But seems like mats have a greater drop rate there so we will get back on expert asap anyway once we have some basic shit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Hah, a new player trying expert is hilarious. It's ball crushingly difficult for people who understand the game. With that said, there is almost no challenge to the normal mode bosses on expert once you have hardmode gear. There is a big leap in both damage and defensive abilities when you start getting the better gear (like 20 defense difference) which turns stuff that takes 1/4th your bar into attacks that might do 10 damage. For example, I mainline a corruption world, so I made a random expert crimson world so I could kill the brain for the trophy/item. In Titanium armor and using the WoF 3shot gun, I simply just stood under him and shot (no arena/campfires/whatever) and just followed his motions with my mouse cursor and blasted away. I might have taken 100 points of total damage, but I didn't use any consumables or even healing potions. The challenge would be doing that in pre-WoF gear and weapons. And given the spit mechanic from the worm boss, I would have 100% chosen the crimson model over corrupted any day of the week.

I haven't killed any hardmode bosses, but I'm maxed out on pre-chloro armor and weapons (I had 4 chances to get the pirate cutlass, because I literally had 4 invasions queued one after the other from world timers, not the trigger consumable) and using the same clockwork rifle from WoF I was able to kill a couple of light mimics using the key to get a daedelus bow. Now I just need to stop being lazy and kill destroyer/twins/skeletron prime.

I will definitely say, however, that any corrupted/crimson desert biome that you are trying to mine through/near/around, is going to be a bitch and a half to deal with. I did zero "containment" steps in normal mode, so I had to kind of jog around and try to create gaps between biomes I wanted to save and what not. The djinns that spawn and have fire that moves through walls to blow up on you spawn constantly on expert, and having 2-4 of them filling the screen with exploding fire at a time is a pretty normal deal. That right there is absolutely ridiculous.

Edit: As expected, Daedelus bow wrecks the Destroyer hardcore. I need to make some unicorn farming areas (basically just long stretches of hallow) so I can make more Holy arrows, as I used 200 on the destroyer unbuffed to kill him. Took a bit of normal arrow spam through some wooden walkways, though. Also, if you get a goblin invasion in hardmode and manage to get the Shadowflame knives off the Goblin Summoner monster, you trivialize the shit out of everything that isn't a boss monster in hard mode. It has acceptable KB and autofire with a ranged projectile getting melee bonus damage, so you wear the best AC set of armor and get full bonus with a ranged weapon, and it can happen pretty early on in Hard Mode. Consumes nothing, making it the default "just keep it equipped" weapon unless you need specific weapons for a fight. So much for farming up a Dao of Pow~


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've been playing solo to catch up (wasn't ready for Expert mode yet) and have managed to go all the way up to S.D.M.G build and a Nebula armor + Nebula Arcanum build. The ranged build wrecks shit with cholorphyte bullets but farming them sucks ass. I can live almost forever with Nebula Arcanum with a modicum of dodging skills. Haven't tried any melee builds seriously and fishing dailies piss me off (hate artificial cock blocks to accessories).

Jumped back on the server again only to find it wrecked to shit. WTF?


Avatar of War Slayer
POE was giving me massive latency issues last night. so jumped back into this.

Tried Eye. And I was GREATLY overprepared. haha. I don't know, I guess I just assumed random stuff was so much stronger, I needed to be fully decked out in top progression. for pre-eye, that being platinum or gold. So I had that. And I also did fishing, potions, etc. so had the 10% damage, ironskin, 10% DR, speed, thorns, etc, etc.. Did the campfires, sunflowers, etc.
I had like 28 base armor. 380 life.
Weapons, again.. I had jester arrows, and plat bow. grenades. And snowballgun. ended up using just the snowballgun.

Ended up using the snowball gun, and he never got me below 350 hp.. after the first kill, got the dryad, and had her "close" to the arena. at which point I farmed him a bit, and didn't even bother running. just stood there and tanked him, in her aura. And again, never more then 70hp lost. never used a healing potion.