Texas Says It's OK to Shoot an Escort If She Won't Have Sex With You

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Ehh, it didn't, I felt like shit. I had an appendectomy three weeks ago and have been dealing with a little bit of an ear infection since the surgery. Went out Thursday to sample trout in an alpine stream at about 7000 ft. up and I guess the elevation exacerbated it. Long story short, I ended up sitting around the walk in clinic in Polson for three hours yesterday evening to get some fucking ear drops. I've got a 12 pack of Tecate sitting in the fridge though and Imma start hammering beers around 3 oclock so I can power through it tonight.
Atta boy. I started pounding beers at 1 pm.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Whys young Reagan using a German firearm?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Okay guys, you can stop frothing at the mouth... this is a trial court decision. Now since he was found not guilty, the state cannot appeal; but when someone else tries this defense and the defense is disallowed and he is found guilty, then he appeals; that appeal will doubtless go to the Court of Criminal Appeals, which will decide the legal issue of the applicability of this defense.

These trial court rulings (while wacky) don't set precedent for anything. So don't get your jimmies all rustled.