The 100


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think the show has turned into pure crap, the only thing that could turn it around is if we could vote characters off. Jasper has my vote..


The constant switching of sides really ground my gears in Season 3 and it's worse in Season 4. There is no constant. Everything is a rush. The initial 2 seasons really had a build up for something major and the payoff at the end of Season 2 going into 3 was just bullshit. Now Clark is essentially pulling a Mount Weather w/ mommy and the only sane person in this entire series is Octavia, who decided to screw random native just because Clarke can't be the only one sleeping with every random person she meets.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I wish they'd call them "Grounder pounders" some more. I loved that nickname.


<Gold Donor>
I liked season 1-3 but season 4 was kind of shit. everything felt rushed, one emergency leading to another.
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FPS noob
season 5 starts tonight. for some reason i thought it was the final season but apparently the showrunner would like it to run for 7 seasons
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> Than U
Waited a year for this to come back and missed the episode. I got carried away watching 5 star rated movies on Netflix that were 2 star quality SyFy 2000 quality. What a shithole that service is.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
As someone who thought the last season was crap, I thought the season opener was pretty good.


Trakanon Raider
"There are no good guys"

Genghis Clarke rides again, I approve.

Also is it me, or did her tits get huge between seasons ?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
It's funny how most of the comments about the opener is complaining about Bellamy and Echo, which they knew would happen and decided to go with it anyways. Tumblr is leaking.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
So there was a fucking space cryo prison or some bullshit? lol


Golden Baronet of the Realm
So there was a fucking space cryo prison or some bullshit? lol
From what I remember the "night blood" was originally designed as radiation protection for space laborers from a mining company. Would make sense to send prisoners to do the more dangerous asteroid mining trips in the solar system although this is the first we heard about any cryo freezing.


Throbbing Member
Yeah, saw that it got picked up fast. This show is one of those that just got better over the years. Plus all the hot chicks helps.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Dunno where they're going to go with it now though since most of the world is dead now. The interesting tribes and such are all gone except the Bunker.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
This is the CW so don't rule out hot alien chicks. Clarke could end up with one for a season before murdering her family.
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> Than U
I'm digging it so far this year. Last year was ok, year before was semi trash but overall the series is good. I'm missing Zach McGowan though. Does he die in every series he is involved with?


Buzzfeed Editor
Started watching this from being brought up in another thread. They sure tapered off quick with the PG sex scenes. About the only thing holding me in, because the rest was so cringe worthy. On the final episode of season 2, and while I'd say season 2 got a bit better. So many giant plot holes or other retardations. (I love when they pretend to get technical throwing out medical terms in not even remotely accurate ways, most gun stuff is minor but the missile spotter (which was pretty pathetic given they showed it as a ICBM basically) turned sniper,,, shows a honking huge suppressor but then is shooting loud unsuppressed and near unending stream of rapid fire for a visibly shown bolt action with a capacity of like 5. I liked some of the weapon choices they used, though in the case of the sniper it was pretty easy to point out as a gamo bb gun.

Talk up how they need every last one of the 47's bone marrow like they couldnt just kidnap more. Then if it's so precious they are only partially harvesting it seems like and killing them prematurely while they rant about omg only viable for a few minutes after death. Like if they were going that route, be realistic, they would have just vivisected them to remove all the major bones to open up for marrow, not this just darker red shit they are syringing.

Martin Luther king gets all their shit stolen, decides to press on I thought, the ones that turned back are then are magically back at the bomb site in less than a day after having been several days march away and able to scoop up supplies at camp without argument after they already absconded once? God damn underground railroad inside the mountain when "everyone" knows everyone and I don't think they are just walking them thru the hallways still with camera's to their apartments to be hidden. You dont think that would be an easy search door to door? Talk about a big war coming when they seem to have done a pretty good job killing plenty of Mt Men, why instead of hiding where they not just returning to some of the cage rooms to let a bunch loose. Not a big deal, but I was a little disapointed how commander blonde bitch got such a quick basic death after she played plenty of screen time making you hate her.

Interesting premise/story setup but then they just cock up so many simple logistical things that are hard to overlook. Vs say off the top of my head stuff like Stargate/Battlestar which are also sci fi and usually avoided for the most part a bunch of these herp derp obvious plot holes.

EDIT: Lol, right as I say less romance scenes then they suddenly dropping a bunch, including the out of nowhere, girls with boyfriends suddenly lezzing out....
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FPS noob
Just binged through season 5, I wasn't really that hot on season 3 or 4 so was on the fence about just dumping the series or not. I enjoyed it. Its not amazing TV or anything, but season 5 is the show I really wanted to see, more post-apocalyptic scifi kind of stuff and less teenage angst. There is still a lot of angst, and the character writing is barely there anymore, but the world is decently interesting. The finale was great I thought and sets up a great season 6.

Definitely a show to binge watch though all episodes of a season at once, there are some real stupid moments and constant mini-cliffhangers (which go nowhere interesting) that would be annoying as fuck to deal with week to week.

Sadly there is virtually no sex in season 5 so thats a real bummer


Musty Nester
Yeah, I mean the show is what it is.

I slowly watched it. The cliffhangers weren't that bad because after 4 seasons of it I -knew- they weren't going anywhere at all. haha. I think they made a real effort to wrap it up in 4. And then made 5 for some reason. I guess they were expecting to get canceled and then didn't or something. 5 is basically nonsense character and plot wise all the way through, but I mean... I was mostly in it for the wrong reasons to begin with. They did try to bring it back around to something like "we're the grounders now".

And you got to see an 85 pound woman strut around like Ceasar. Which was entertaining. That woman is fucking tiny.

Grounder Pounder.

Once you go ground you don't come back round.