Some desync/linkdeath netcode fixes going out tonight. Now would be the time to try it out if you were put off by it before. Trying my best to resolve the issues that were going on, and pretty much made a decent breakthrough today on the issues.
Also, unrelated, some clientsided crashes when zoning were resolved by removing the EQUI_Guide_*.xml files from the 'EverQuest Mac/Resources/uifiles/default' folder.
The content folks at PEQ have been doing an awesome job with the database and combat formulas. I couldn't have done this alone, that's for sure. The work these guys are putting in on the content side while I tackle the network side is phenomenal.
Registration is pretty much open, and works similar to how EQEmulator does. Register on the forums, on the left, you should see a dropdown for loginserver account creation. Your EQEmulator login isn't the same and chances are I won't be able to get Rogean to add support for the Mac client to the main EQEmulator login. QM is the answer to the registration question (Quarm).
Huge thanks to Shards of Dalaya for their help resolving some of the netcode issues. They let me see their networking code which helped a lot in determining the issues. Helping them with 2.5 has its perks for everyone I suppose. Awesome bunch of people over there.
Oh, and here's a video: