60% of the final season done and I think it has been great. Phillip going to Paige's apartment is my favorite scene so far.
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yeah i'm not super pissed or anything because for the last 3 or so season the show has been super clear on what kind of show it is, a reflective family drama but seasons 1 & 2 were much more super-spy kinda stuff -- remember the scene where philip had to fucking stuff a hot dead chick into a suitcase -- so i can't get angry at a show thats not been deceptive. Pretty interesting that the finale had no violence at all, zero deaths/attacks/etc just stan holding a gun for a short bit.
It fit the show very well but I still feel like I didn't really get a good resolution on whether Elizabeth thinks everything she did was worth it, how the two of them survive the collapse of the Soviet Union, what happens to Oleg and the ancillary spy handlers, etc. Sure, a show doesn't need to fill in all the blanks but I felt pretty short changed when it came to Philip and Elizabeth. At least Philip had that speech where he pretty much said his life sucks dick and is meaningless.
One interesting analysis I read was about the finale dream sequence with Elizabeth, she looks up at that haunting portrait of the sick lady and then she sees a pic of her kids on the nightstand, which suggests the most important thing to Elizabeth was her kids and she more or less has abandoned them.
Man this is worst Finale, sucked
I stopped watching this a few episodes into season 5. Has it finished now for good? That made me want to get back into it but halfway through season 5 and all this wheat shit plus the usual Paige crap is a drag.
Does it pick up and is the final season worth persevering for?
Man this is worst Finale, sucked
You two are fucking retards. This was one of the best finales I can recall in a while.i'm glad this show is finally over, finale sucked. oh well, i guess I was expecting way more spy shit and cold war realpolitik but all i got was the "paige is a dumbass" show