yeah i'm with you. leanbeefpatty is totally doing it for me right now. this is an older pic, she's gotten a bit bulkier now, though not overly bulky i don't thinkThat's a level of "buff" that is a bit ahead of where I am interested in. I get the snu-snu movement; there's definitely something sexually interesting about a woman who takes what she wants. But man-shoulders are a definite no.
He wasn't going 100% but she's also a much better grappler than he is. Dude couldn't figure out how to turn his hips after she started moving to his back. He'd have lost even if he tried, but it would have taken longer.She's going all out and he's just stuck with the lose/lose choice of embarrass the chick by actually trying or let her get the rear naked and look like a bitch when you have to tap out.
Probably wasn't getting laid either way so should have just powerbombed her through a table.
She's going all out and he's just stuck with the lose/lose choice of embarrass the chick by actually trying or let her get the rear naked and look like a bitch when you have to tap out.
Probably wasn't getting laid either way so should have just powerbombed her through a table.