whenever i see an unsecured load or some sketchy redneck twine tie down truck shit, i always speed up and drive pass em
or truckloads with fucking pipes
fuck that, my inner ricer goes into fast and furious mode to pass that shit
whenever i see an unsecured load or some sketchy redneck twine tie down truck shit, i always speed up and drive pass em
or truckloads with fucking pipes
fuck that, my inner ricer goes into fast and furious mode to pass that shit
When I was in college I saw a wreck where a cement truck had blown a tire and crossed the median into oncoming traffic at highway speeds. The engine block of the car and front half of the passenger compartment were flattened into 3 feet of depth max. RIP.Couldn't find either of the videos, but a couple stuck in my brain way more than the Final Destination shit. One was a car following a flatbed too closely that had a piece of heavy equipment that was too tall for an overpass. Basically zero time to react or do anything, just pancaked at highway speed. The other was a cement truck that turned over onto a car in the opposite lane while taking a turn through an intersection. Again, pancaked with fuckall the driver could have done. At least the guy following the flatbed fucked himself up by following too close. I'm skeptical of any turning top-heavy thing now.
Unrelated gif:
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whenever i see an unsecured load or some sketchy redneck twine tie down truck shit, i always speed up and drive pass em
or truckloads with fucking pipes
fuck that, my inner ricer goes into fast and furious mode to pass that shit