Pretentious small scale bullshit for rich people excepted, American/Canadian beef is without peer.
Feel like we've had almost the exact same announcement form nasa on mars every year for the past decade.
Feel like we've had almost the exact same announcement form nasa on mars every year for the past decade.
Must be a request for a new round of funding coming up.Feel like we've had almost the exact same announcement form nasa on mars every year for the past decade.
Yep. Video confirms that the newest science data from Curiosity is an important evolutionary step forward toward a more complete understanding about where and how life originated billions of years ago. There are literally billions of worlds in the universe where life may, or may not have, or may possibly in the future, exist, and we Homo Sapiens have scratched the surface of approximately three of them.
My hot take on this hubbub about Martian organic molecules is that it's a crystal clear case of NASA needing their budget significantly increased so they can work more efficiently. There's a huge amount of overhead involved in designing, testing, refining, retesting, etc, the cutting edge technology that gets built and sent to Mars, and they could have put two rovers of Curiosity's design on Mars with less than double the funding. Unfortunately I bet they'll make the same mistake in 2020 when they launch the next single solitary rover.
As usual, the main problem isn't NASA, it's Congress & Senate. As long as the appropriation committees will consider NASA as a pork barrel rather than an end, you'll get Senate Launch Systems redux.They need to stop designing their own rockets and craft from scratch and just focus on making rovers for science missions and spend 1000x less on transport by using space-x and others. They don't need more money they need less waste and bloat.
UPI said:June 22 (UPI) -- Space Exploration Technologies Corp., or SpaceX, will send a satellite into orbit atop its Falcon Heavy rocket in 2020, the U.S. Air Force announced on Thursday.
The massive rocket will deliver a secretive military satellite, known as AFSPC-52, into space, in a $130 million fixed-price contract.
The contract announced by the Department of Defense on Thursday is the first awarded to SpaceX.