RIP Kepler?
Overnight, Nasa said that it had attempted to get in touch with the telescope and found that it had gone into its sleep mode, during which it uses no fuel. Engineers are not clear why it has happened, though it might suggest that the telescope has finally run out of power."Following a successful return of data from the last observation campaign, the Kepler team commanded the spacecraft into position to begin collecting data for its next campaign," Nasa wrote on its page for the telescope. "On Friday October 19, during a regularly scheduled spacecraft contact using NASA’s Deep Space Network, the team learned that the spacecraft had transitioned to its no-fuel-use sleep mode.
Nasa's Kepler space telescope might be dead
Real fucking idiotic we have zero capability to service those things. Went to the moon in god damn 1969 but cant put a person into orbit in 2018.RIP Kepler?
Overnight, Nasa said that it had attempted to get in touch with the telescope and found that it had gone into its sleep mode, during which it uses no fuel. Engineers are not clear why it has happened, though it might suggest that the telescope has finally run out of power."Following a successful return of data from the last observation campaign, the Kepler team commanded the spacecraft into position to begin collecting data for its next campaign," Nasa wrote on its page for the telescope. "On Friday October 19, during a regularly scheduled spacecraft contact using NASA’s Deep Space Network, the team learned that the spacecraft had transitioned to its no-fuel-use sleep mode.
Nasa's Kepler space telescope might be dead
Real fucking idiotic we have zero capability to service those things.
87 miles....Do you have any fucking clue how far away Kepler is from Earth?
87 miles.
Unlike Hubble, which is in earth orbit and can (and was) serviced, Kepler is in deep space heliocentric orbit. So, to service it, we need to go beyond the Moon.Real fucking idiotic we have zero capability to service those things. Went to the moon in god damn 1969 but cant put a person into orbit in 2018.
Kepler is in deep space heliocentric orbit. So, to service it, we need to go beyond the Moon.
All the big space telescopes are messed up. Go figure. Coincidences suck.
Ultimately these missions are launched with a specific life span and typically exceed it. Kepler was a 3.5 year mission and just passed 9 years, 7 months.
All the big space telescopes are messed up. Go figure. Coincidences suck.
The aliens sabotaged them so that we can't see them coming for their mass invasion until it's too late.