> Than U
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- 67,574
It isn't that it needs removed, it is my older Z560 Logitech speaker control unit is a dull blue, dull green. Even the LG with the damn bulb under it brand new is a dim red but some of these leds are seriously like lasers. It is not needed to illuminate a room with leds.
Make them dim or a control switch to cut voltage really.
I agree somewhat Kreugan my last Vizio was 230ish watts for TV alone, and TWC HDDRV boxes I don't know power output but it would cook meals on those boxes. With all new stuff however isn't so bad. My TV is now 42 watts I think. The DISH box barely gets warm. I bought a APC from staples Friday and it reads 280 watts in gaming load, that is everything but my TV/DISH box and speaker system so I am probably pushing 400 now total compared to 800 a few months ago. Have literally felt the difference in heat. I live with a woman who is 51 however and has MS and she is cold at 75, so I leave house 76 and my room I run a 500 watt window ac in summer with a 30" fan. My room stays about 65. I do that cause as anyone here who works in labor knows you are hot even when its cool, the body just retains that heat from working. I have to have a ice box.
I did send feedback to Netgear and really laid into Hanns G for the rear facing blue blinking lights. Not needed. Black electrical tape cured most of it however until I can get around to staining this Oak I bought today to making a cabinet since my remotes are IF anyways. Going to cabinet most of this stuff in a 20"tallx16 deepx18 wide box.
Make them dim or a control switch to cut voltage really.
I agree somewhat Kreugan my last Vizio was 230ish watts for TV alone, and TWC HDDRV boxes I don't know power output but it would cook meals on those boxes. With all new stuff however isn't so bad. My TV is now 42 watts I think. The DISH box barely gets warm. I bought a APC from staples Friday and it reads 280 watts in gaming load, that is everything but my TV/DISH box and speaker system so I am probably pushing 400 now total compared to 800 a few months ago. Have literally felt the difference in heat. I live with a woman who is 51 however and has MS and she is cold at 75, so I leave house 76 and my room I run a 500 watt window ac in summer with a 30" fan. My room stays about 65. I do that cause as anyone here who works in labor knows you are hot even when its cool, the body just retains that heat from working. I have to have a ice box.
I did send feedback to Netgear and really laid into Hanns G for the rear facing blue blinking lights. Not needed. Black electrical tape cured most of it however until I can get around to staining this Oak I bought today to making a cabinet since my remotes are IF anyways. Going to cabinet most of this stuff in a 20"tallx16 deepx18 wide box.