The Banshees of Inisherin (2022)


Trakanon Raider
Hmm not sure if want now.

I thought the movie had a lot of funny moments, but I do recall laughing the most in the theater as well, so maybe the dark humor portions resonated with me more, but I thought the funny parts were very funny, especially in the context of the rest of it.

Now, I will agree the movie is VERY sad, but I will strongly disagree that it is nihilistic. It is about legacy, and loneliness, and friendship, and finding your place in the world. Whether you find the overall message of the movie hopeful or hopeless, that's on you, but none of it is meaningless. It is tragic, but not pointless.

I really, really liked the movie, but it is sad, and it does reflect on the fact that death comes for everything.
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Trakanon Raider
arguing with non-autists like me.

I know I shouldn't get started but you are the only person on this ENTIRE board I am 100% certain is retarded. Ossoi, your posts are 25% trying to convince us how hot and fuckable you are, 25% stating some kind of stupid and wrong opinion, 40% arguing with people who respond to your stupid and wrong opinions, and 10% trying to convince us you only fucked a dog that one time. I'm so annoyed that asshat of the year left you, because you deserve it in perpetuity.
/rant off

Saw the movie last week in theaters with a coworker on a work trip, I liked it but she just looked at me like "What the fuck was that?" while shaking her head in the end. Pretty sure that's going to be a good portion of peoples opinion. I saw that this is now on HBO streaming now as well, so easy enough for anyone to watch. Definitely not any kind of top movie for me, but if you are in the mood for a slower paced tale with some dark humor in it, worth a watch. If nothing else it will make you want to go to Inis Mor, amazing looking place.
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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Fantastic movie. One of the best this past year
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
This is a great movie but it's depressing as shit. It really was top 3 for 2022. Maverick is easily the best and then this but they're two completely different films. Oscar season is going to be weird but this might be the main film to kickass
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I was expecting a Dark Comedy but fuck me I just feel sadder after having watched this.
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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
This movie definately deals psychic damage. That's what makes it so powerful

when the actual revenge kicks in. Its earned. I started thinking 'if my best friend did this to me....would I want to burn down his house with him in it?'


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I thought this was really well acted, but I was hoping for more of an "In Bruges" style comedy, especially with Gleeson and Farrell involved. Instead, it's just a depressing tale about "meaning" in life. Well acted and still probably one of 2022's best considering the dogshit that came out last year, but it wasn't my favorite.


Toe Sucker
Great movie i thought it would be a super slow movie but it was perfectly paced with some great dialogue

When farrell bursts into gleeson's house and they start talking about 'It takes two to tango", "i don't want to tango", and farrell just defeatedly says "but yer dancin' with yer dog..." had me rolling
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Ok was this movie based on the war or that's what it's based around? from what I watched After a second viewing Gleeson comes off greedy and just wanting to be a legend, he wanted to cut off his fingers all along so he could be remembered.

I'll need to watch again but he mentions nice friends aren't remembered but artist are, he was still playing music after his hand was gone. It's not until his ego hurt his friend he realized he fucked up

Gleeson was trying to be a knockoff Beethoven in a way, the second he loses his hand he is doing new music with his other hand easily. He never thought he would hurt his friend? And that's why he felt so much guilt, Collin realize Gleeson was an ass
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