Doesnt exactly sound promising
An Overlong, Emo Batman Bores With Allusions To White Privilege and Dismantling Systems
From the gritty 1970s era look to hints that our hero may suffer from some sort of psychosis, it seems fairly clear that writer/director Matt Reeves wants his Batman reboot to be viewed in the same vein as last year’s brilliant but polarizing “Joker.” The problem is, unlike the latter film, “
Oh yeah SJWs are flocking in droves to go work for Ben Shapiro.also written by some sjw talking about nolans ”populist batman”
He must be kill it in this, i assume it's going to be more mafia/gangster.Watched a few you tube reviews of this, most agree it's too long and drags on to the point of being boring.
Seems Colin Ferrell is the stand out in it with all of the other cast doing really well.
seems ok, sitting at 73/100 on metacritic right now embargo is up more reviews should pour out today . currently 94% on RT but i'd expect that to drop
rando twitter critics
dat 2h56m runtime though. wonder if they wiil ever release the 4h rough draft cut
Sounds like a great idea and change honesltyAny reviews I've read say it's more about the detective side of Batman and less actiony.
Makes sense given that we're getting The Riddler.Any reviews I've read say it's more about the detective side of Batman and less actiony.
amc charging more for batman
amc imax fan event starting now so should see more user reviews tonight although its basically super fans
i paid to see Dark Knight Rises in Imax. was super disappointed. if this is better than that, but not as good as the first two. thats not a big endorsement.buddy who is a batman lifelong fan boi saw it last night at the amc fan screening and said it was great but the movie is dark as fuck, not "grim dark" but literally most of the movie is at night and can be really tough to tell whats going on. He said its pretty glum/grim too and very comic-y which he really liked, he was disappointed by the PG13 rating. He also said it was way, way too long and 1/3d of the movie coulda been cut. He said Batman Begins and TDK are still better than this one.
Sounds decent but really pushing me to home viewing since I can just pump up the brightness levels if I need to. Theaters around me are kinda fucky with lighting and shit.