Been thinking long and hard - and being that the supply looks good, strong feeling I'm going to cancel my PS4 order tomorrow. Still plan to get one, but nothing besides AC4 really excites me that much - and with the first 3 months only having two maybes and getting better graphics for AC4, I think I'll just wait and grab one down the road close to when something that's got me excited launches versus racing up to get a Day One unit.
Hopefully ya'll will enjoy yours - still thinking it over since I might be influenced by some pain meds (had killer stomach pain this morning, wife called the ambulance - fun way to start out the birthday for sure...) and want to make sure that I'm thinking clearly when I do cancel - but can't reasonably think $400 on literally one PS3 game with suped up graphics and two games in the next 3 months I might not like is a really intelligent way to spend my money.