The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Trump's Staff
Steam Box is garbage, its just a overpriced computer you can already make yourself.
Say it ain't so, Column talking out of his ass? Price hasn't even been announced yet and there are going to be multiple tiers to choose from, jackass.


Unelected Mod
Even if the PS4 and Xbone don't do as well as before, that won't really matter for anyone on these forums. I certainly could give a fuck about gaming on tablets. The consoles will still be by far the better gaming experience than tablets and that is all that will matter for gaming enthusiasts.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I want steambox to be successful but I've yet to see anything that indicates how it won't be a niche product. Especially next year when the two new next gen consoles start getting their killer titles.

I won't be getting a steam box because I already have a PC with superior keyboard and mouse controls. Plus I would have to buy it when I already have a PC to play my games on. I could get steamos for free but why? Steam runs perfectly fine on my existing PC.

What is it going to do to attract the legions of steam fans like me who would be it's customers if our needs weren't already met?

What is it going to do to attract mouthbreater gamer #4,647,566 ?


Say it ain't so, Column talking out of his ass? Price hasn't even been announced yet and there are going to be multiple tiers to choose from, jackass.
They already ran the specs on one of the machines....

Also they will be tons of people making them since Steam is only delivering the OS, and the controller.

Its just a delivery device for steam, which any computer can do right now.
Only difference is the controller, and the OS. If you really think you wont be paying the same prices, or more you are retarded.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
sean/utnayan let's chill out with this weird argument. State your shit and move on, and if there's evidence that there is or is not a huge difference between release day games and games released 2 years later (which I think there is) then post proof.


sean/utnayan let's chill out with this weird argument. State your shit and move on, and if there's evidence that there is or is not a huge difference between release day games and games released 2 years later (which I think there is) then post proof.
Oh I am done with his delusional shit. I will laugh in his fucking face a year from now when Steam Box means absolutely dick all and is definitely not "my platform of choice" come November 2014.


Unelected Mod
and if there's evidence that there is or is not a huge difference between release day games and games released 2 years later (which I think there is) then post proof.
Utnayan is obviously wrong on this, it isn't even a question. Look at beginning generation games on Xbox 360 vs now, or especially PS3 vs now. The differences are night and day.

He can't admit that though, because it runs against his "all game developers are lazy, greedy and assholes", his entire boring thesis that he constantly shits at all. Well, all developers except Steam, who he has anointed the sacred one.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Utnayan is obviously wrong on this, it isn't even a question. Look at beginning generation games on Xbox 360 vs now, or especially PS3 vs now. The differences are night and day.
Do you know the difference between the lifetime of a console and two years from launch? My argumentSPECIFICALLY HINGES ON TWO YEARS FROM LAUNCH.Meaning by the time you want to play those games, you can find the console cheaper, the games on sale, and over time, have access to the higher graphical quality. Especially in this* THIS LAUNCH *, there is * NOTHING * to be gained from purchasing Day 1. Shit, even Day 365. You do understand I have stated 2 years all along correct? Do you read before you post? The post was also a basis for launch day purchasing. * No * reason to buy one on Day 1. And with that said, this industry is smack dab in the middle of a paradigm shift. And when purchasing makes sense from a year 3 perspective, the market will be blown away by new technology entering the living room, and this current gen will flop around like a dying Salmon.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>


There is two years between Uncharted and Uncharted 2 and there is a pretty huge difference between the two... there is that... but Uncharted was released a year after the PS3.


Even if the PS4 and Xbone don't do as well as before, that won't really matter for anyone on these forums. I certainly could give a fuck about gaming on tablets. The consoles will still be by far the better gaming experience than tablets and that is all that will matter for gaming enthusiasts.
Well, consider this.

If the PS4/Xbox One were to underperform, what incentive would there be for Sony and Microsoft to stay in the market?

The PS3 cost Sony in the region of $5 billion dollars, and Sony is gambling nearly everything on the PS4. They simply cannot afford to let the PS4 fail. If it does, I can't see there being a PS5.

And then we have Microsoft. They saw the Xbox brand as their way to dominate the living room, but it's quickly becoming obvious that the television doesn't matter as much as it used to. Google and Apple have come in and won the living room without even trying. I can easily see Microsoft leaving the gaming market if the Xbox One underperforms.

And, of course, there's the publishers, too. They follow the money. If that's in tablet/smartphone gaming, that's where they'll go. Just look at Japan.

Proof of Delusion: Believing that Steam Box will have any significant impact on the market.
I think you forget that America != the world.

PCs are very popular in Europe, Asia, South America, and a lot of other places. I remember Valve saying that there's more Dota 2 players in the Ukraine than there are in the US, despite the US having nearly 10x the population, which is nuts.

Steam currently has 65 million active users, and that figure is growing every day. I'm betting there's a lot of people out there who want to use Steam but are intimidated by the PC, and Steam Machines will fix that. I think saying that 'Steam Machines will have no significant impact on the market' is very shortsighted.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well, consider this.

If the PS4/Xbox One were to underperform, what incentive would there be for Sony and Microsoft to stay in the market?

The PS3 cost Sony in the region of $5 billion dollars, and Sony is gambling nearly everything on the PS4. They simply cannot afford to let the PS4 fail. If it does, I can't see there being a PS5.

And then we have Microsoft. They saw the Xbox brand as their way to dominate the living room, but it's quickly becoming obvious that the television doesn't matter as much as it used to. Google and Apple have come in and won the living room without even trying. I can easily see Microsoft leaving the gaming market if the Xbox One underperforms.

And, of course, there's the publishers, too. They follow the money. If that's in tablet/smartphone gaming, that's where they'll go. Just look at Japan.

I think you forget that America != the world.

PCs are very popular in Europe, Asia, South America, and a lot of other places. I remember Valve saying that there's more Dota 2 players in the Ukraine than there are in the US, despite the US having nearly 10x the population, which is nuts.

Steam currently has 65 million active users, and that figure's growing every day. I'm betting that there's a lot of people out there who want to use Steam but are intimidated by the PC, and Steam Machines will fix that. I think saying that 'Steam Machines will have no significant impact on the market' is very shortsighted.
Cor steambox may in the longterm become a factor but in the short term (next few years) I would feel safe saying it will be a non-factor. Even with 65 million users why would they feel any incentive to switch from their current PC setups to Steambox? Why buy another box at all since you already have a PC? Will people buy it because it exists? Sure. Will they buy it in the numbers needed to compete with consoles? Not without a lot of incentive. (BybuyI mean a separate box just for SteamOS and controller support)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Now just find versions of those games ~2 years later that don't look that dated and Utnayan's argument will be pretty much defeated.

Two years, however, is a pretty small time window. Three years I'd say is more inclusive for a major revision of a game.
I admit I am confused by his argument. Is it that games released on launch day look no different then games released 2 years from launch day? Or that games released 2 years after launch day look no different from games released on day 1 of the next generation console?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
SA was also released for the ps3 but it's a bit of an awkward comparison since it came out in 2004 for PS2.

A better one would be GTA3 vs GTA:SA (3 years difference) which was a huuuge graphical difference. Even VC to GTA3 was a big difference but was only 1 year. However it was a long time ago.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I admit I am confused by his argument. Is it that games released on launch day look no different then games released 2 years from launch day? Or that games released 2 years after launch day look no different from games released on day 1 of the next generation console?
I'm pretty sure he's saying that in 2 years we're going to have games that look like BF4 and assassin's creed4. I think he's totally wrong but I'm at a loss for finding games that were released with the PS3/xbox360's release that had a newer version released 2 years later that were hugely better.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I think UT is right just because of the development time and actually understanding how the systems work and being more familiar with them plus the better tools. The whole argument is fucking stupid anyway because I play consoles for exclusives. If I want to talk about graphics I go to the master race.