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Jetfire was my favorite because it was a Veritech fighter. The original toy was a straight rip off from Robotech/Macross.did you like skyfire b/c he was a nerd?
Jetfire was my favorite because it was a Veritech fighter. The original toy was a straight rip off from Robotech/Macross.did you like skyfire b/c he was a nerd?
i've watched every macross and the vf1 will always be my favoriteJetfire was my favorite because it was a Veritech fighter. The original toy was a straight rip off from Robotech/Macross.
did you grow reading a bunch of boba fett fanfic? (ie the books and shit which are non-canon) If so then yeah you'll probably hate the show since its nothing like that.
If all you know about boba fett is the movies and season 2 of the mandalorian? Then this show is pretty much exactly what you expected. The only real facepalm so far is the fucking rainbow vespas in episode 3, those were fucking gay. Everything else so far has been showing how boba fett escaped the sarlaac, recooperated, and gaining allies and building a power base to become this godfather crimelord of tattoine.
Honestly the most disappointing thing about this show so far is that they cast the old fuck Temuera Morrison from the prequels as Boba Fett. He's too old and out of shape for action sequences and the show has suffered for it. I know they can't keep his helmet on all the damn time (too much like Mandalorian) but for fucks sake, in combat is when you should wear armor, put the damn helmet on and have a 20 year old stuntman film all the fights scenes ffs.
But more than just that, as much as we'd all love for them to gradually retcon the sequel trilogy garbage out of canon in favor of the favreau/filoni-universe I'd be equally happy with them retconning the prequels out as well, episodes 1-3 were just as garbage as 7-9. using the same actor reinforces the prequels, despite it being a huge detriment to the show since we're filming 20 years later, despite the events happening only 5 years after we last saw boba fett in return of the jedi.
Do they de-age him? They have to right?
True story: ILM hired Shamook the youtube deepfake guru that clowned on their Luke de-aging in Mando:
At the very least it'll be better than ILM's de-aged Luke in s2e8 of mando. Same guy did the Han Solo deepfake which was phenomenal so he won't be starting from scratch:
Yes. Did you read my post? Non-de-aged boba fett and a de-agedyes, de-aging, like with Luke in Mando s2. did you watch Mando?
that same guy did the botch job for deepfake Luke? they must have rushed that scene.The deep fake in the show was disastrous. Its like the character was out of phase for the universe or something and blurred. They could have found better than some random youtuber to do the deep fakes, but there was like a huge outcry iirc, about the guy being soooo awesome and great with the software from SW fans.
What? No he didn't.that same guy did the botch job for deepfake Luke? they must have rushed that scene.
ok. was gonna say. shamook's work is leaps and bounds better than that Mando Luke scene. More artists need to study this shit. de-aging is the next big thing in CGI and the money to be made is top notch.What? No he didn't.
Shamook was hired after he clowned on ILM's Luke de-aging like I said. ILM didn't use deepfake technology for their luke, it was all CGI over Mark Hamill's body double. Shamook's deepfake was so much better ILM hired him shortly after the season ended, presumably so that they'd get him before Disney does.
Jawa Magic.Something like that being stolen while its running seems.. unbelievable. But I have no mechanic knowledge of how star wars engines work. ;d But ya, totally an easter egg lol
Except no, it wasnt. George would put his stamp of approval on anyone writing him a check but even he claimed that none of the eu shit was ever canon.It was canon up until the point that Disney bought the rights and then chucked everything non movies overboard.
George is still the bitter bitch he always was. he literally gave us Kathleen Kennedy knowing she was a shit tier glorified coffee girl.LOL @ Canon. Like who gives a shit what Lucas says. Hes the one that ran the fucking thing to the ground. So people took up their pens and started writing shit in and around the SW universe. Some good some bad but whatevs.
Probably sucked a mean jawa cock.George is still the bitter bitch he always was. he literally gave us Kathleen Kennedy knowing she was a shit tier glorified coffee girl.
George is still the bitter bitch he always was. he literally gave us Kathleen Kennedy knowing she was a shit tier glorified coffee girl.